Franklin Half Dollar

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The Franklin Half Dollar is a US silver half dollar coin that was minted between 1948 and 1963. The coin designed by John R. Sinnock shows Benjamin Franklin , one of the founding fathers of the United States .


The right-facing portrait of Benjamin Franklin is depicted on the obverse of the coin. Furthermore, the word is "LIBERTY" (Engl .: Freedom ) and under the motto of the United States " IN GOD WE TRUST " (Engl .: In God we trust ). The year of issue is positioned to the right of the head. The initials "JRS" of the designer John R. Sinnock can be found on the shoulder .

The reverse of the coin depicts the Liberty Bell , the bell that is said to have rung when the American Declaration of Independence was first read. To the right of this is an eagle and to the left the 2nd motto E PLURIBUS UNUM (Latin: from many one ). The motif is surrounded by the country name “UNITED STATES oF AMERICA” and the nominal value “HALF DOLLAR” . The mintmark is centered above the bell, a D for Denver and an S for San Francisco . If there is no mintmark, the coin was minted in Philadelphia .

Years and editions

The following table contains all coined years and their circulation. In the last column the requirements of the coins are proof (ger .: Proof) listed. These were minted exclusively in Philadelphia.

year Philadelphia Denver San Francisco Proof
1948 3,006,814 4,028,600 - -
1949 5,614,000 4,120,600 3,744,000 -
1950 7,742,123 8,031,600 - 51,386
1951 16.802.102 9,475,200 13,696,000 57,500
1952 21,192,093 25,395,600 5,526,000 81,980
1953 2,668,120 20,900,400 4,148,000 128,800
1954 13.188.203 25,445,580 4,993,400 233,300
1955 2,498,181 - - 378.200
1956 4,032,000 - - 669.384
1957 5..114,000 19,996,850 - 1,247,952
1958 4,042,000 23,962,412 - 875,652
1959 6,200,000 13,053,750 - 1,149,291
1960 6,024,000 18,215,812 - 1,691,602
1961 8,290,000 20.276.442 - 3,028,244
1962 9,714,000 35.473.281 - 3,218,019
1963 22,164,000 67,069,292 - 3,075,645

Individual evidence

  1. Years and editions of the Franklin Half Dollar (English)