Frans Hedberg

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Frans Hedberg

Frans Teodor Hedberg (born March 2, 1828 in Stockholm , † June 8, 1908 in Vaxholm ) was a Swedish poet , playwright and librettist .


Frans Hedberg first became an apprentice to a businessman and later to a hairdresser, with whom he stayed for five years, and worked as an actor from 1849 until he turned exclusively to dramatic poetry. In 1852 his first comedy En herre, som går vilse (A man who goes astray) was performed in Stockholm.

He quickly had Hin ondes gåfva (The Devil's Gift ), Min vän löjtnanten (My friend, the lieutenant) and När man inte har pengar (When you have no money) follow. With the last-mentioned piece the ice was broken, and with an inexhaustible mood he shook a lot of comedies from his imagination over the course of a few years, some originals, some adaptations, which for the most part were given with undivided applause.

In 1860 he switched to the historical drama with Kung Märta , which was followed with equal success by Dagen gryr (The day gray).

In 1865 he made his biggest hit with Bröllopet på Ulfåsa (The Wedding at Ulfosa), a play that has also been performed many times in Germany.

Of his other dramatic works, Wasaarfvet and Stolts Elisif , two historical plays, and the comedies Blommor i drifbänk (The flowers in the greenhouse), Så kallad ungdom (so-called youth), Det skadar inte (That does no harm), etc.

Hedberg has also published poems ( Dikter , 1866), interesting theater memoirs under the title Fyra år vid landsortsteatern (1857) and stories Svart och hvit (Black and White, 1876–79). His pieces, which lack great momentum of the imagination, all have a strictly moral character, reveal a precise knowledge of the stage and show a keen eye for dramatic composition. In 1870 Hedberg was appointed a member of the academy (the "Eighteen") and in 1871 was appointed director of the royal theater; 1881–83 he was director of the Gothenburg stage.

His opera libretti were mostly set to music by Jacob Niclas Ahlström and Ivar Hallström .

A large number of his works have been offered as e-books in Sweden since 2005 .

Works (selection)

  • Dagen gryr . (The day is dawning). Historiskt skådespel in 4 acts, the original version by F. Hedberg. Stockholm: Bonnier, 1863.
  • Blommor i drifbänk . (The flowers in the greenhouse). Stockholm, 1862.
  • Så kallad ungdom . (So-called youth). Komedi i 3 acts. Stockholm: Haeggström, 1869.
  • Det skadar inte . (That doesn't hurt). Lustspel i 3 acts. Stockholm: Bonnier, 1870.
  • Stolts Elisif . Skådespel i 5 a. Stockholm: Bonnier, 1870.
  • Fyra år vid landsortsteatern, anteckningar i advisory form af "Palle Block" . Stockholm: Bonnier, 1857-1858.
  • Svart på hvitt ; berättelser (stories). 3 vols. Stockholm: Bonnier, 1876–1879.
  • Dagtingan . Komedi på vers i 4 acts. Stockholm: Bonnier, 1876.
  • På ömse sidor om ridån , minnen and pictures; ur teaterlifvet. Stockholm: Lamb, 1888.
  • Från gator och skär . Nya consultants. Stockholm: Lamb, 1889.
  • The bank director . Novel. From d. Swedish transl. v. Otto Lengning. Hall aS: Hendel, 1909.
  • Bröllopet på Ulfåsa . Skådespel i fyra akter. Stockholm, 1865.
    • The wedding at Ulfåsa . Play in 4 acts. From the Swedish by G. Hilder. Danzig, 1873
    • The wedding at Ulfosa . Play in four acts by F. Hedberg. Free from Sweden. trans. by H. Denhardt. Leipzig: Reclam, ca.1875.
  • Wasa's legacy . Historical drama in 5 acts. From the Swedish by G. Hilder. Danzig, 1874.
  • Vacklande Grund . Skildringar ur ett konstnärslif. Stockholm: Idun, 1894.
  • Kapellpredikanten and andra Berättelser . Stockholm: Bonnier, 1909.
  • At the right time ! Novella. Neurode; Hamm; Speyer: Klambt, 1912.


  • När man inte har pengar . (When you have no money). Lustspel med sång i fyra akter svenskt original by F. Hedberg. Music arr.av J. (acob) N. (iclas) Ahlström . Stockholm: Bonnier, 1853
  • Min vän solderers . (My friend, the lieutenant). Komedi med sång i två Akter svenskt original by F. Hedberg. Music arr.av J. (acob) N. (iclas) Ahlström. 1862.
  • The Vikings . Romantic opera in three acts by Franz Hedberg. Translated from the Swedish by Emma Klingenfeld. Music by Ivar Hallström .
  • The mountain king . Romantic opera in three acts by Frans Hedberg. Music by Ivar Hallström.
  • The bergtagna . En romantisk opera i fem akter. Ivar Hallström. Libretto by Frans Hedberg. 2 uppl. Stockholm: Bonnier, 1874.
    • Bride of the Mountain King . Romantic opera in 3 acts by Franz Hedberg. Music by Ivar Hallström. The opera Der Bergkönig was arranged by Franz Grandaur and Hermann Levi . Munich, 1875–1881.
  • Till Knut Almlöf's love; Frigate Capes, Advocates Knifving . Jämte inledning and forord af Frans Hedberg. Stockholm: A. Bonnier, 1899.
  • Black ice . (Glanskis). Comedy in 5 acts by Franz Hedberg. After d. Swedish Orig.-Ms. trans. by Emil J (akob) Jonas. Berlin: P. Stankiewicz, 1879.
  • Straw . Comedy [changed in the director's book: drama] in 5 notations; as Ms., after d. Swedish Orig.-Ms. Translated by Emil J (acob). Jonas. Berlin: Decision, 1880.
  • Kung Heimer and Aslög . (King Heimer and Aslög). För en röst och piano (med analyzer) / Aug. Söderman; ballad av Frans Hedberg. Stockholm: Gehrman, cop. 1953,


  • The sköna Helena (La belle Hélène); Komisk operett i tre akter by Henri Meilhac and Ludovic Halévy; music by J. Offenbach; fri öfversättning af F. Hedberg. Stockholm: Alb. Bonnier, 1866.
  • Mignon . Opera i 3 acts by Michel Carré and Jules Barbier; music by Ambroise Thomas; öfvers. af Frans Hedberg. 2 uppl. Stockholm: Bonnier, 1875.
  • Carmen . Opera-comique i 4 acts (efter Prosper Mérimées novell) by Meilhac och Halévy; music by Georges Bizet; öfversättning af Frans Hedberg. Stockholm: Bonnier, 1878
  • Tannhäuser and sångarstriden på Wartburg . (Tannhäuser and the Singers' War at Wartburg). Romantisk opera i tre akter; tysk text: Richard Wagner; svensk text efter Frans Hedberg.
  • Lohengrin . Romantisk opera i tre akter / tysk och svensk text med notillustrationer och commentary; svensk text efter Frans Hedberg.

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