Frants Hvass

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Frants Hvass (born April 29, 1896 in Copenhagen , † December 21, 1982 ibid) was a Danish diplomat .


On June 23, 1944, Hvass was part of the delegation that visited the Theresienstadt ghetto, along with Eigil Juel Henningsen, inspector of the Danish health system, and the Swiss Maurice Rossel .

Hvass was the first director of the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs from 1945 to 1948. In 1948 he took over the management of the Danish military mission in Berlin and in 1949 became head of the mission at the Allied High Commission in Bonn . From 1951 to 1966 he was the Royal Danish Ambassador in Bonn .



Individual evidence

  1. Wolfgang Benz : Theresienstadt: A story of deception and destruction , CH Beck., Munich, 2013, p. 188
  2. ^ Bulletin of the Federal Government's Press and Information Office, Deutscher Bundes-Verlag, 1961