Franz Auer (SS member)

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Franz Auer (born November 12, 1911 , † November 26, 1948 in Landsberg ) was an Austrian National Socialist and SS-Hauptscharführer . He was part of the camp management of the Mühldorf concentration camp external command in Mühldorf am Inn . He was indicted in the Mühldorf trial in Dachau and sentenced to death. The death sentence was posted on November 26, 1948 enforced .


Franz Auer was an Austrian citizen. As a member of the NSDAP , he joined the SS in May 1938 and began serving in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp in October 1941 . In March 1943 he was transferred to the Herzogenbusch concentration camp . From December 1943 to November 1944 Auer was responsible for the forced labor of the Jews in the Kaunas ghetto. He was directly involved in the executions that were carried out there. After all, from November 1944 to April 1945 he was the senior labor leader in Mühldorf am Inn, the satellite camp of the Dachau concentration camp . He was responsible for numerous crimes against inmates in the camp. He got the nickname "Devil" from them.

After the end of the war, Franz Auer was sentenced to death by the American Military Tribunal during the Dachau trials in the proceedings against the Mühldorf occupation for war crimes and crimes against humanity. The investigation revealed that the accused had ruthlessly exploited prisoners, including the sick and exhausted. Many prisoners mistreated by Auer died. He didn't even spare women and children. He ordered the guards to shoot inmates without warning who had strayed from their work details for even a short time. The sentence was carried out by hanging on November 26, 1948 in the Landsberg War Crimes Prison .

Individual evidence
