Franz Karl von Loe to knowledge

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Franz Karl von Loe zu Wissen (* May 7, 1720 , † November 8, 1795 ) was canon in Münster and Jülich state court master.


Origin and family

Franz Karl von Loe zu Wissen came from the Westphalian noble family von Loe , who belong to the primeval nobility in Vest Recklinghausen and from which numerous well-known personalities have emerged. Franz Karl was the son of Johann Adolf von Loe zu Wissen (1687–1743) and his wife Maria Anna Catharina von Wachtendonk zu Germenseel, daughter of Hermann Adrian von Wachtendonk . His sister Maria Anna Catharina Ludowica was married to Carl Franz von Nesselrode. They were the parents of Karl Franz von Nesselrode .


In 1737 Franz Karl got into the Münster cathedral chapter through papal commission . Ten years later he gave up in favor of his brother Johann Adolf and married Countess Maximine von Horrion-Kolonster. They were the builders of the Wissen Castle . The later canons Johann Adolf and Clemens August emerged from the marriage . The son Edmund (1740-1813) was a senator in the French Empire and married Maria Alexandrine von Merveldt (1756-1812), daughter of Clemens August von Merveldt . The son Friedrich (born August 6, 1787) comes from the marriage .


  • The diocese of Münster 4.2. ( Germania Sacra NF 17.2), Das Domstift St. Paulus zu Münster, edited by Wilhelm Kohl, published by the Max Planck Institute for History, Göttingen, Publisher: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin / New York, ISBN 978 -3-11-008508-2 ., Germania Sacra NF 17.2 Biographies of the Canons, page 19ff
  • Friedrich Keinemann: The cathedral chapter of Münster in the 18th century (= historical work on Westphalian research, volume 11), Aschendorffsche Verlagbuchhandlung, Münster 1967.

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