Women's places in Saxony

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With the Frauenorte sachsen project , the Landesfrauenrat Sachsen eV wants to make the diverse women's history of Saxony visible and to make role models known and thus to honor the women who have achieved special achievements in the political, social, economic, scientific, cultural and / or sporting fields. The project, launched in 2016, looks at the city and regional history of Saxony from the perspective of historical women. Young people in particular should be reached in order to make them aware of the history of women in the Free State of Saxony.

Information steles are set up at the places where the women work or where they live, or boards are attached to houses that provide information about the life and work of women. These places are public and therefore accessible at all times. Information on this can be found on the website www.frauenorte-sachsen.de.

The original idea for this honoring of women comes from Saxony-Anhalt and was developed and implemented for the world exhibition Expo2000. The “Frauenorte sachsen” project is supported by the Landesfrauenrat Sachsen eV It is funded by the Saxon State Ministry of Justice and for Democracy, Europe and Equality.

Advisory Board

The project advisory board is responsible for selecting the women’s places. This was convened at the beginning of the project in February 2016 by the Landesfrauerat Sachsen eV. The members and the chair, consisting of historians and representatives from various institutions, are re-elected every year. In addition to selecting female personalities, the advisory board also proofreads the texts on the table.

Memorial plaque in honor of Melitta Bentz'.jpg

Women's places in Saxony

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. cf. Landesfrauenrat Sachsen eV: Frauenorte sachsen
  2. cf. Landesfrauenrat Sachsen eV: Advisory board