Frederick B. Llewellyn

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Frederick Britton Llewellyn (born September 16, 1897 in New Orleans , Louisiana, † December 10, 1971 ) was an American electrical engineer.

In 1915 he attended a course at the Marconi School for Wireless Operators, then spent almost three years in the shipping industry and was in the Navy in 1917 and 1918 .

Llewellyn then studied at the Stevens Institute of Technology under Professor Alan Hazeltine and earned his master's degree in 1922. After a year as a laboratory assistant to Dr. FK Vreeland he went to Western Electric in 1923 (from 1925 Bell Labs ), where he worked on the long-wave transatlantic telephone in Rocky Point (in the far northeast of the USA). 1924–1928 he studied again at Columbia University and earned his Ph. D.

He helped develop the first ship-to-shore telephone service, inaugurated on the Leviathan in 1929 . In the 1930s, he studied noise in vacuum tubes and their behavior at very high frequencies. In 1938 he became a Fellow of the American Physical Society .

During World War II he served as an advisor to the Office of Secretary of War . He and Edwin Howard Armstrong designed a sensitive receiver that was used to detect radar signals reflected from the moon ( Project Diana ).

After the war he was a consulting engineer, mainly for military electronic systems, 1956–61 Assistant to the President of Bell Labs, 1961–65 member of the Institute of Science and Technology at the University of Michigan and thereafter until his retirement in 1967 Research Director of the Polytechnic Institute of New York University .

He and Peterson developed a theory of electron tubes (Llewellyn-Peterson equations).


  • FB Llewellyn: Vacuum tube electronics at ultra high frequencies, Proc. IRE, Vol. 21, 1933, pp. 1532-1573
  • FB Llewellyn: Note on vacuum tube electronics at ultra high frequencies, Proc. IRE, Vol. 23, 1935, pp. 112-127
  • FB Llewellyn: Operation of ultra high frequency vacuum tubes, Bell System Techn. J., Volume 14, 1935, pp. 632-665
  • FB Llewellyn: Equivalent networks of negative grid vacuum tubes at ultra high frequencies, Bell Syst. Techn. J. Vol. 15, 1936, pp. 575-586
  • FB Llewellyn: Electron-Inertia Effects ; Cambridge University Press, 1941
  • FB Llewellyn, LC Peterson: Vacuum tube networks, Proc. IRE, Vol. 32, 1944, pp. 144-166

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