Frederick Marvin

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Frederick Marvin (born June 11, 1920 in Los Angeles , USA ; † May 11, 2017 in Vienna , Austria ) was an American concert pianist and music researcher.


Frederick Marvin completed his professional artistic training on the piano with Maurice Zam, Milan Blanchet, Rudolf Serkin and Claudio Arrau . Frederick Marvin received international recognition for his research on the rediscovery of the old Spanish composer Padre Antonio Soler (1729–1783) and the Bohemian composer Jan Ladislav Dussek (1760–1812).


Frederick Marvin started his career as a concert pianist at the age of 16 in Los Angeles (USA). With his Carnegie Hall , New York debut (1946), he received the Carnegie Hall Award for the best debut of the season. In addition to his work as a concert pianist in the USA, Europe and overseas, he accompanied Maria Jeritza and Martha Mödl on their recitals.

Frederick Marvin is considered one of the most outstanding educators and artists and one of the most important Padre Antonio Soler scholars. The focus of his research was on the compositions and biography of the old Spanish composer Padre Antonio Soler and playing techniques practiced in a historical context, as well as on compositions by JL Dussek. From Soler alone, Frederick Marvin has rediscovered hundreds of lost or forgotten original works - sonatas, secular and religious works, including 130 villancicos (cantatas).

Frederick Marvin received a full professorship for piano major at the Syracuse University School of Music, New York (USA) in 1968 and retired in 1990. He was visiting professor at the Philipps University in Marburg ( Germany ). He published a selection of the found works of Padre Antonio Soler in various sheet music editions. George Antheil composed Sonata No. 4 for Frederick Marvin, the premiere of which took place in Carnegie Hall, New York on November 23, 1948 by Frederick Marvin. Sound carrier recordings give an impression of the skills of this pianist.


  • 1946 Carnegie Hall Award, New York City
  • 1955 "Beethoven Medal in memory of Arthur Schnabel ", Harriet Cohen Society London
  • 1969 Order of "Comendador" de la "Mérito Civil-Commandor" of the Spanish governorate
  • 1974 "Médaille de Vermeile-Croix de Commandeur", Sociéte Academique "Art-Science-Letters", Paris
  • 2000 "Cervantes Medal", Hispanic Society of America, New York
  • Honorary member of the Hispanic Society of America, New York

Literature (selection)

  • Antonio Soler: Sonatas for Piano Vol. 3, Edited by Frederick Marvin, Mills Music LTD., London, 1957 (English)
  • Padre Antonio Soler: Fandango, Edited by Frederick Marvin, Continuo Music Press. Inc., Ft. Lauderdale, 1957 (English)
  • Klaus Speer: Padre Antonio Soler - Nine Sonatas; Fandango by Frederick Marvin, Review of records, The Musical Quarterly, Volume XLIV, Issue 3, July 1, 1958, pp. 414–416 (English)
  • Pablo Cano: En el doscientos cintuenta aniversario del naciamente del padre Antonio Soler: comentario y entrevista con Frederick Marvin, Ritmo, Vol. 49, No. 494, 1979, pp. 23-27, ISSN 0035-5658 (Spanish)
  • Frederick Marvin: The music of Padre Antonio Soler - discovered treasures, contributions to the 6th annual EPTA congress in Hinterzarten (Black Forest), EPTA documentation, 1985, pp. 31–36.
  • Johann Ladislaus Dussek: 2 sonatas for piano (CV40,43), editor: Frederick Marvin, Universal Edition, Urtext Vienna, c 1989

Discography (selection)

  • Padre Antonio Soler, Frederick Marvin - Sonatas & Fandango
  • Padre Antonio Soler, Frederick Marvin - 7 Sonatas Pour Piano
  • Frederick Marvin / Ludwig Berger - Ignaz Moscheles - Franz Liszt
  • JL Dussek, Frederick Marvin - Complete Piano Sonatas, Vol. 1-3
  • Martha Mödl: Recital Vol. 2, pianist Frederick Marvin

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Victoria von Arx: Piano Lessons with Claudio Arrau: A Guide to His Philosophy and Techniques. Oxford University Press, New York 2014, ISBN 978-0-19-992434-9 .
  2. Syracuse University: Setnor School to Remember Professor Emeritus Frederick Marvin with Sep. 16 Concert. Retrieved April 1, 2018 .
  3. Tony Villecco: My week with Jeritza: Concert pianist Frederick Marvin recalls the Legend. November 1, 2013, accessed October 26, 2018 .
  4. Richard P. Anderson: The Pianist's Craft 2 Mastering the Works of More Great Composers . Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2015, ISBN 978-1-4422-3265-5 .
  5. Allen Czelusniak: Grand Piano Man. Syracuse NewTimes Net, accessed September 29, 2004 .
  6. ^ G. Henle Publisher: Frederick Marvin. Retrieved April 1, 2018 .
  7. Wilibald Gurlitt (Ed.): Riemann Music Lexicon . 12th edition. Person part LZ. B. SCHOTT'S SÖHNE, MAINZ 1961, p. 976 .
  8. George Antheil: Piano Sonata, 1948. Retrieved October 26, 2018 (English).
  9. ^ Classical Music: Thousands of recording reviewed & rated . Ed .: Alexander J. Morin. Backbeat Books, San Francisco 2002, ISBN 0-87930-638-6 .