Frederik Rudbek Henrik von Bülow

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Frederik Rudbek Henrik von Bülow

Frederik Rudbek Henrik von Bülow , (* 1791 in Nustrup in Schleswig , † June 16, 1858 on Sandberg ), was a Danish general.

Bülow joined the Danish army as a lieutenant in 1804, took part in the war following the siege of Copenhagen by the English in 1807 and became a lieutenant colonel in 1842. As brigadier general he distinguished himself against the Schleswig-Holstein and federal troops in 1848 and 1849 ; His most important achievement was that he forced the Schleswig-Holstein troops under General Eduard von Bonin , which were besieging Fredericia , to retreat and lift the siege by a sortie on the night of July 5th to 6th, 1849.

After the war, Bülow was the commanding general in Schleswig , then on Zealand . In 1855 he was appointed Danish envoy in London .

A memorial was erected in his honor in the churchyard of Düppel in Sønderborg through a public subscription .

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