External responsibility

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Under foreign responsibility is understood in the organization theory the responsibility of a leader for the failure of its subordinate employees . The opposite is personal responsibility .


The distinction between executive and managerial activities requires an expansion of the responsibilities . Executing activities are characterized in that the employees mainly to instructions are attached, wherein the employer to its employee work content , of work and work the work capacity by its discretion may determine in detail. A managerial activity is when employees predominantly or entirely perform managerial tasks. These superiors not only have to be accountable for their own behavior towards their superiors ( personal responsibility ), but within the scope of their management responsibility, according to Erich Kosiol, also "to be responsible for the wrongdoing of the subordinate (subject to instructions) task holders, insofar as these wrongdoings result from an incorrect performance of the management task ", take over. This responsibility of the manager for the mistakes of subordinates is called external responsibility.


External responsibility extends to incorrect execution processes, incorrect decisions , misleading arrangements , omitted execution actions, insufficient fulfillment of the delegated management functions or negligent or lack of control by subordinate employees. However, if the subordinate authorities commit incorrect execution processes, the cause of which lies in their person, this is not covered by the external responsibility. In this case, the manager only bears the external responsibility for taking the initiative to remedy such incorrect actions or for limiting or eliminating the errors through control. In addition, external responsibility is only possible if the supervisor has not or not fully carried out his selection , instruction and information tasks.


External responsibility is an essential feature of the management function . It arises from the delegation of decision-making and authority of the highest authority ( board of directors , management ) to subordinate bodies . When delegating tasks, they must ensure that the employees are sufficiently qualified to perform the task and monitor the fulfillment of tasks by exercising their control rights . The control helps to identify mistakes made by employees, to minimize them or to avoid them entirely. This in turn avoids external responsibility. The supervisor is responsible for errors that result from the incorrect fulfillment of his own managerial task as an action error in the subordinate authorities within the framework of external responsibility. According to Erich Gutenberg , the delegation of tasks, competencies and responsibility does not expire the external responsibility of the delegating body: "If responsibility is created in connection with the transfer of tasks, the responsibility of the transferring body for the execution of the assigned tasks does not expire". The higher the hierarchy level , the more external responsibility has to be assumed.

Individual evidence

  1. Erich Kosiol, Organization of the Company , 1976, p. 107
  2. Erich Kosiol, Organization of the Company , 1976, p. 107
  3. Reinhard Höhn , Management Brevier der Wirtschaft , 1974, p. 11
  4. Rolf Bühner, Business Organizational Training , 2004, p. 65
  5. Erich Kosiol, Organization of the Company , 1976, p. 106
  6. Erich Gutenberg, Corporate Management: Organization and Decisions , 1962, S: 107