Peace of Péronne 1468

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The Peace of Péronne of October 14, 1468 was a treaty between the French King Louis XI. and the Burgundian Duke Charles the Bold .

On October 9, 1468, Louis XI met. and Charles the Bold in Péronne on the Somme , after the Treaty of Ancenis was concluded on September 10th, which temporarily restored relations between the King, his brother Charles , Duke Francis II of Brittany and the English.

In Péronne it was now a matter of reaching a comparable agreement with Charles the Bold, who felt betrayed by his previous allies. The place belonged to the property of the duke, who assured the king safe conduct.

On October 11th, the news of an uprising in Liège that was known to have been initiated by Louis XI arrived. was supported. Thereupon the duke took the king prisoner. A war in mind, Karl Ludwig, however, was against the pledge again free to conclude a contract that the French part of Flanders ( Ghent , Ypres , Bruges and the Franc de Bruges , the environment of the city) from the jurisdiction of the Parlements leached out so that the The sovereignty of the king ended here, but the independence of the Burgundians increased. In addition, Ludwig XI. forced to accompany Charles the Bold to punish the Liège people. Ludwig's brother Karl received the Champagne and the Brie and the following year in exchange for the Guyenne .