Friedrich Alexander Simon

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Friedrich Alexander Simon (born  August 31, 1793 in Königsberg , †  September 3, 1869 in Hamburg ) was a German doctor and author .

"Friedrich Alexander Simon", collective grave for physicians , Ohlsdorf cemetery

He came from a former Jewish family who had converted to the Christian faith , and after receiving his doctorate in March 1819 , he settled as a general practitioner in Hamburg at the University of Göttingen . In addition to his medical work there, he also worked as a medical author for the Hoffmann und Campe publishing house run by Julius Campe . His publications included in particular writings on sexually transmitted diseases as well as works that dealt critically with homeopathy going back to Samuel Hahnemann . In 1834 he founded the journal “Antihomöopathisches Archiv”, which he published until 1848.

From 1827 he was married to a woman from an Altona family.

Friedrich Alexander Simon is on the collection plate Tomb doctors of Althamburgischen Memorial Cemetery , Cemetery Ohlsdorf , recalls.

Works (selection)

  • Samuel Hahnemann, Pseudomessias medicus, the thinner or critical washing away and washing out of the medical Augean stable, called Organon der Heilkunst, for doctors and educated non-doctors. Hamburg 1830-1836
  • Public and personal precautionary measures against the East Indian vomiting or cholera morbus. Hamburg 1831
  • Spirit of homeopathy: a word of warning to sick people of all kinds. Hamburg 1833
  • An attempt at a critical history of local lust evils and their treatment from the oldest to the most recent. Hamburg 1846
  • Manual of Special Pathology and Therapy. Volume 2: Intoxications, Zoonoses and Syphilis. Erlangen 1855 (as co-author)
  • Critical history of the origin, pathology and treatment of syphilis, daughter and in turn mother of leprosy. Hamburg 1857-1860

Individual evidence

  1. Biographical information according to: Joseph A. Kruse: Heines Hamburger Zeit. Hoffmann and Campe, Hamburg 1972, ISBN 3-45-504015-2 , p. 261
  2. Antihomeopathic Archives: Volume 1, 1834 , Volume 2, 1835 at Google Books
