Friedrich August Peter waterfall

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Friedrich August Peter Wasserfall (born April 18, 1793 in Detmold ; † November 23, 1838 ) was a German archivist and librarian.


Friedrich August Peter Wasserfall was the son of the chamber registrar August Wilhelm Wasserfall and his wife Sophie Wilhelmine Krüger. He received a "scientific and scholarly education". From October 1820, Wasserfall, like his father, was a chamber registrar . As archivist and librarian, Friedrich August Peter Wasserfall was Christian Gottlieb Clostermeier's assistant in the Lippische Landesarchiv and in today's Lippische Landesbibliothek Detmold since July 1821. On January 1, 1824, he initially took over the management of the library and, after Clostermeier's death in December 1829, also the archive. The systematic catalog with 16 main departments was prepared in the library under the waterfall. After his death, the archive and library were separated, and Otto Preuss became the successor as librarian .

In his first marriage, Wasserfall was born on April 18, 1826 with Anna Friederike. Pustkuchen (1807–1833) married. After her death, he married Anna's stepsister Mathilde Ottilie Marie (1816-1897) on December 16, 1837.


Notes and individual references

  1. In some sources, April 1, 1793 is also given as the date of birth
  2. ^ Hans Kiewning : The state library. Retrieved October 21, 2014 .
  3. ^ Hilde Kraemer: Old and new catalogs of the Detmold library. Retrieved October 21, 2014 .
  4. ^ Hilde Kraemer: History and tasks of the Lippische Landesbibliothek. Retrieved October 21, 2014 .
  5. Norbert Hohaus: The cover book of the government councilor Christian von Meien . Aisthesis, Bielefeld 1991, ISBN 3-925670-42-4 , p. 51 .