Friedrich Buchmann

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Friedrich Buchmann (also Fridrich Buchmann ) (born November 30, 1595 in St. Gallen ; † October 22, 1670 ibid) was a mayor of St. Gallen ( Switzerland ).


Friedrich Buchmann was the son of Kaspar Buchmann.

He was a member of the weavers' guild and from 1636 to 1648 as a member of the Grand Council of St. Gallen and from 1649 to 1663 as a guild and old guild master of the small council of St. Gallen.

From 1651 to 1663 he was sub-mayor, during this time he was also involved as an interrogator in the witch trials in St. Gallen. In 1663 he was elected mayor and until 1670 he held this position as well as that of the former mayor and the imperial bailiff together with David Cunz , Hans Joachim Haltmeyer and Othmar Appenzeller (elected in 1664) alternately every three years.

Friedrich Buchmann was married to Barbara, daughter of Joachim Schlumpf, Elfer, from 1619. With him, the Buchmann family died out in St. Gallen.


  • August Naef : Chronicle or Memories of the City a. Landscape of St. Gallen: with the epitome of the Appenzellian events associated with it. From the oldest to the more recent. Friedr. Schulthers St. Gallen: Scheitlin, 1867. p. 65.
  • Hieronymus Schlappritzi; Friedrich Buchmann; Hieronymus Wegelin: Heartfelt congratulations against the highly praiseworthy place of Sanct Gallen and the newly established and replaced wise regiment, especially the new chief and mayor who was properly chosen and confirmed by an honorable citizen, the highly respected, venerable, pious, respectful, considerate, lordly, honorable and weysen Mr. Friderich Buchmann, the newly elected castle master, as the same against laudable citizenship and who against him with the usual upperclass and civil commitment to each other, so happened on August 30th in the year 1663 . St. Gallen 1663.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Guild Constitution of the City of St. Gallen. (PDF) Retrieved January 20, 2019 .
  2. Manfred Tschaikner: The sorcery and witch trials of the city of St. Gallen . 2003, ISBN 3-89669-762-5 , pp. 120 ( [accessed January 20, 2019]).