Othmar Appenzeller

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Othmar Appenzeller (born November 20, 1610 in St. Gallen ; † January 14, 1687 there ) was a mayor of St. Gallen ( Switzerland ).


Othmar Appenzeller was born as the son of Hans Appenzeller, guild master.

He was a hat maker and member of the tailors' guild. As a 911 he was a member of the Grand Council from 1639 to 1645 and as a guild and old guild master from 1646 to 1654 a member of the Small Council in St. Gallen.

In the period from 1664 to 1687 he alternated with Hans Joachim Haltmeyer , Friedrich Buchmann and Joachim Kunkler (elected in 1670) every three years as mayor , former mayor and bailiff .

Othmar Appenzeller was first married to Katharina, daughter of Heinrich Ritter, from 1632 and was married to Elisabeth, daughter of Jacob Hildebrand, city judge, in 1645.



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Individual evidence

  1. Guild Constitution of the City of St. Gallen. Retrieved January 21, 2019 .