Friedrich Class (policeman)

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Friedrich Class (born May 2, 1899 in Blaubeuren , † December 12, 1945 ) was a German police officer in the criminal police and the Gestapo during the Nazi era . Class was one of the main culprits in the Piaśnica massacre .


Class was born to the mechanic Friedrich Class and his wife Friederike. He attended elementary school for seven years and completed an apprenticeship as an engraver and chaser at an arts and crafts school.

Between October 1917 and April 1919 he did his military service in the 9th Württemberg Mine Thrower Battalion. After the First World War he was involved in a volunteer corps in Sachsenberg ("Grenzschutz Nordost"). From 1920 to 1925 he served in the police in Gdansk . He then completed an apprenticeship as a detective inspector in Berlin . In 1936 he was promoted to the criminal councilor. The NSDAP he joined on 1 May 1933, the (membership. 2843091) in and the SS on February 15, 1936 (SS no. 272523), where he became SS Hauptsturmführer (9 November 1938) and SS - Sturmbannführer(April 20, 1940) was appointed. His promotion was carried out by the SS leader Jakob Sporrenberg . On September 6, 1938, his wife Luise, b. Miethe, born in 1901, one son. In Danzig, Class was assigned to the security service of the Reichsführer SS (SD) as SS- Oberscharführer and worked in the local police headquarters with the Gestapo and with the SD (SD-Oberabschnitt northeast). In an evaluation sheet from 1938 he is described as a "clearly Aryan type" and as "firmly established in the national and social worldview ". As head of the criminal police station in Graz (June 29, 1940 to December 5, 1942) he was promoted to the government and criminal councilor. Then he was transferred to the Reich Security Main Office (Amt V) in Berlin. From February 1, 1944 until his death in December 1945, he was the head of the criminal police headquarters in Düsseldorf.


  • Wojciech Maria Zalewski: Life through good-byes. Musings of a former priest: 1937-2013. Warsaw 2014, p. 30.
  • Jürgen Matthäus , Jochen Böhler , Klaus-Michael Mallmann : War, Pacification, and Mass Murder, 1939: The Einsatzgruppen in Poland (Documenting Life and Destruction: Holocaust Sources in Context), 2014, p. 68.

Individual evidence

  1. Böhler, Mallmann, Matthäus, p. 44 f.
  2. ^ Dieter Schenk Albert Forster: Gdański namiestnik Hitlera. Gdańsk: Wydawnictwo Oskar, 2002, p. 255.