Friedrich Meersmann

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Friedrich Meersmann (born from 1572 in Petershagen ; or Minden ; died 1584 in Hanover ) was a German master stonemason .


Friedrich Meersmann moved to Hanover in the last third of the 16th century, where he acquired the citizenship of the old town in 1572 . In preparation for the tribute celebrations for Duke Erich the Younger in 1576, Meersmann built the "originally painted and gilded bay windows" or the Utlucht at the old town hall from 1575 , which was then extensively painted both inside and outside on the occasion of the planned festival.

Meersmann is considered to be the original "creator of the porches of the old town hall, which were demolished around 1880."

Meersmann's art style is assigned to the Weser Renaissance.

Other works

  • It was “very likely” that it was Meersmann who built the house at Leinstrasse 32 in 1583 for Gevert Stech , who came from the Hanoverian patrician family and later became known as the seat of Hahn's bookstore .


The Meersmannufer street in Groß-Buchholz , which was laid out in 1934 and leads from Groß-Buchholzer Kirchweg to Silberstraße, was named after the sculptor 350 years after Friedrich Meersmann's death.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c d Helmut Zimmermann : Meersmannufer , in ders .: The street names of the state capital Hanover . Verlag Hahnsche Buchhandlung, Hannover 1992, ISBN 3-7752-6120-6 , p. 171
  2. a b c Hans-Dieter Schmid (Ed.): Festivals and celebrations in Hanover (= Hannoversche Schriften zur Regional- und Lokalgeschichte , Vol. 10), Bielefeld: Verlag für Regionalgeschichte, 1995, ISBN 978-3-89534-143- 4 and ISBN 3-89534-143-6 , p. 46; limited preview in Google Book search
  3. Helmut Zimmermann: The Hanoverian sculptors between 1550 and 1750 , in: Hannoversche Geschichtsblätter , New Series Volume 12 (1959), pp. 261–358; here: p. 269; limited preview in Google Book search
  4. ^ Ingrid Krüger: The Leibnizhaus in Hanover. An examination of the history of architecture and art (= Bochumer Schriften zur Kunstgeschichte , Volume 6), also a dissertation in 1984 at the University of Bochum, Frankfurt am Main; Bern; New York: Peter Lang, 1985, ISBN 978-3-8204-8108-2 and ISBN 3-8204-8108-7 , p. 118; limited preview in Google Book search
  5. ^ Arnold Nöldeke : Leinstraße 32 , in ders .: The art monuments of the province of Hanover , part 1: Region of Hanover , volume 2: City of Hanover , Hanover 1932, p. 550ff. (Reprint: Wenner Osnabrück, 1979). Part 1: Monuments of the “old” city area of ​​Hanover (incorporated until January 1, 1870), ISBN 3-87898-151-1