Johann Friedrich Menz

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Johann Friedrich Menz

Johann Friedrich Menz (born November 7, 1673 Lütgen-Dortmund , † September 19, 1749 in Leipzig ) was a German philosopher, literary scholar and physicist.


The son of the theologian Johann Bernhard Menz attended grammar school in Dortmund . In 1697 he began studying at the University of Leipzig . There he became a baccalaureus in 1698 and a master's degree in philosophy in 1700 . In 1711 he became an assessor in the philosophical faculty, in 1725 a full professor of philosophy without a seat and vote in the faculty, in 1730 a full professor of poetry with a seat and vote, and in 1739 a full professor of physics.

He was also Decemvir of the Leipzig University, Senior of the Philosophical Faculty, Senior of the Saxon Nation, Collegiate of the great Prince College and Ephorus of the Electoral College. He also took part in the organizational tasks of the Leipzig University and was rector of the Alma Mater in the summer semesters of 1743 and 1735 .

Menz died unmarried of a heart attack and left some manuscripts to the Leipzig University Library.


  • Diss. De Sardanapalo, laudabili Assyriorum principe. Leipzig 1700
  • Diss. Cogitationes in Gellii Libri II. Cap. 12 de Solonis legibus, et una speciatim. Leipzig 1701
  • Diss. De prima imperii inter homines orìgine. Leipzig 1704
  • Diss. De plantis, quas ad rem magicam facere crediderut veteres. Leipzig 1705
  • Diss. Revocans antipathiae physìcae phaenomena ad fuas caussas. Leipzig 1708
  • Diss. Adserens, normam actionum humanarum in societate improprie dici legem naturae. Leipzig 1711
  • Diss. Vita et gesta Patrocli, Martyris, Sufatensium Patroni observattonibus illustrata. Leipzig 1712
  • Diss. Fastus philosophicus virtutis colore infucatus. Leipzig 1712
  • Vitam Et Gesta Patrocli Martyris Susatensium Patroni Obseruationibus Illustratam. Fleischer, Lipsiae 1712 ( digitized version )
  • Diss. Qua probatur, Socratem nec officiosum maritum, nec laudandum patrem familiae fuisse. Leipzig 1716
  • Diss. Sistens studium partium Gottfridi Arnoldi in historia Novatianorum. Leipzig 1718
  • Aristippus, Philosophus Socraticus. Halle / Magdeburg 1719
  • Diss. Generatio paradoxa in rana conspicus. Leipzig 1724
  • Progr. De eruditorum miseriis, eorumque caussis. Leipzig 1725
  • Diss. De delectu militari prudenter habendo. Leipzig 1727
  • Diss. Contentiosi Sophistae pusillitas. Leipzig 1728
  • Diss. De consecratione templorum Romanorum. Leipzig 1729
  • Orationes binae, prima de caussis contemtae Philosophiae, habita, cum munus Professoris Philos. Ordin. adiret, a. 1725 d. 14 Martii: altera de poetico decoro, dicta, cum Poetices provinciam a. 1730 d. 28 Feb. ingrederetur. Leipzig 1735
  • Progr. De natura frigoris. Leipzig 1740
  • Prog. De primis initiis artis typogiaphicae in urbe Lipsia. Leipzig 1740
  • Diss. De Ephetis Atheniensium iudicibua. Leipzig 1740
  • Diss. De Socratis methodo docendi e scholis non omnino proscribenda. Leipzig 1740
  • Progr. Super epigrammata in Anthologia veterum Poètarum LI cap. ic. Leipzig 1741
  • Progr. De Hermanni a Kerssenbroick Historia belli Anabaptistarum Monasteriensi manuscripta. Leipzig 1743
  • Progr. Quo Rempublicam litterariam perquirit. Leipzig 1749
  • Progr. De pudore erudito. Leipzig 1749
  • Progr. De Cornelio Nepote etc. Leipzig 1749


  • Johann Georg Meusel : Lexicon of the German writers who died from 1750 to 1800. Gerhard Fleischer d. J., Leipzig 1809, 9th vol., P. 79 ( online ).
  • Friedrich Carl Gottlob Hirsching : Historical-literary manual of famous and memorable people who died in the 18th century. Leipzig 1800, Volume 5, 1st section, p. 253 ( online ).