Friedrich Remde

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Friedrich Remde (born December 26, 1801 in Aschersleben , † November 19, 1878 in Weimar ) was a German portrait , genre and landscape painter .


Remde initially worked in Dresden , where his famous studio picture was taken in 1834, depicting his Dresden circle of friends, including Georg Heinrich Crola , a student of Caspar David Friedrich . In the same year Remde moved to Hamburg , temporarily also working in Vienna and London .

From 1847 he lived again in Weimar, where he was appointed court painter around 1850 . In 1851 he lived there at Gerbergasse C 27. His last verifiable apartment was at Graben 39.

Pictures (selection)


Friedrich Remde married Mathilde Adelheid Böhme from Dresden around 1826 (born September 15, 1810 in Dresden, † August 13, 1859 in Weimar). The couple had a son, Georg Ferdinand Joseph Remde (born March 29, 1827 in Weimar), and a daughter whose name was unknown, who was still alive in 1877.


  • Georg Kaspar Nagler , New General Artist Lexicon , Volume 12, Munich 1842, p. 543 ( digitized version )
  • Constant von Wurzbach , Biographical Lexicon of the Austrian Empire , Volume 25, Vienna 1873, p. 274 ( online )
  • Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker, General Lexicon of Visual Artists , Volume 28, Leipzig 1934, p. 147

Individual evidence

  1. Reported by Eva Beck, Evangelical Lutheran parish Weimar
  2. ^ Address book of the residential city of Weimar 1851 , p. 22 ( digitized version )
  3. Address book for the grand ducal capital and residence city of Weimar 1876 , p. 41 ( digitized version )
  4. Illustration and description on the website of the Nationalgalerie
  5. See Lothar Ehrlich and Justus Ulbricht, Carl Alexander von Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach. Erbe, Patron and Politician , Weimar 2004, pp. 129–163, Fig. 1 ( digitized version )