Friedrich Wilhelm Ackermann

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Friedhelm Ackermann

Friedrich Wilhelm Ackermann , gnt. Friedhelm (born June 4, 1934 in Neheim , † May 21, 2005 in Arnsberg ) was director of the Dresdner Bank for the Arnsberg / Iserlohn area and a local researcher from the Sauerland .

Life and work

Friedhelm Ackermann was born as the son of the driver Karl Ackermann and his wife Theresia Obertrifter. Friedhelm also had a sister, Waltraud. From 1940 he attended the Agnes School in Neheim, today's Graf Gottfried School. One of his teachers was the local researcher Bernhard Bahnschulte .

Friedhelm Ackermann began his apprenticeship in 1953 at the legal predecessor of Dresdner Bank, the Rhein-Ruhr-Bank in Neheim. There he worked in the auditing department until he was entrusted with the management of the bank branch in Arnsberg at the end of 1960. During this time he met his wife Lieselotte, called Lilo, geb. Dreeßen, know. With her he had two daughters, Ute and Heike. In 1973 he moved to Dortmund , where he was responsible for the private customer business. At his personal request, he returned to Neheim in 1991. After six more years as a bank director, he retired on June 30, 1997.

On May 21, 2005 he died on the Schnadegang in Arnsberg.

Hobbies and honorary positions

Friedhelm Ackermann had been working as a teenager for the newspaper editorial team at Neheim-Hüstener Westfalenpost since the early 1950s .

At the end of the 1960s he became a member of the Arnsberger Heimatbund. After Ackermann had worked as a cash auditor for many years, he was unanimously elected 1st chairman at the general assembly on December 3, 1973. Ackermann was a lifelong enthusiastic photographer. He became known in Arnsberg as the “eye of the Sauerland” or “house and farm photographer” of the Heimatbund.

In addition to his membership in the Arnsberger Heimatbund, he was also a board member of the Westphalian Heimatbund and the Sauerland Heimatbund , whose magazine "Sauerland" was subject to his final editing. Ackermann was Arnsberg's local caretaker . In 1997 he was unanimously elected district home keeper by the local homeland keepers and the representatives of the homeland associations that were members of the Westphalian Homeland Federation.

Friedhelm Ackermann was also politically active. From 1969 to 1974 he sat for the CDU for five years on the council of the old town of Arnsberg and then on the culture and district committee for the new town of Arnsberg.

Awards and exhibitions

Friedhelm Ackermann is the Federal President , the Federal Cross of Merit conferred on ribbon. In March 1992 it was presented to him by the then District Administrator Franz-Josef Leitkop in the Knight's Hall of the Old Town Hall in Arnsberg . Ackermann was also the bearer of the Arnsberg ring of honor.

In 2005 the district committee approved the motion of the Heimatbund to name the forest path from the horse farm "Hörsters Farmer" to the refuge "Jägerbänke" along the Grollmanns Siepen brook after Ackermann. The reasons for this were his nearby place of residence on the Seltersberg and weekly walks with his dog on this path.

Some of Ackermann's photos were presented in the following exhibitions:

  • “Citizens see their city”, 1996
  • “Sauerland Impressions”, 2008

Works and publications

  • 100 years of Arnsberg in the picture, 1976
  • Arnsberg - Portrait of the old town, 1980
  • Arnsberg - 100 years in the picture, 1983
  • Castles, palaces and monasteries in the Sauerland, 1985
  • Architectural monuments of the city of Sundern, 1985
  • Arnsberg - Pictures of an Old Town, 1992
  • Cityscapes from Arnsberg, 1995

Photo discount

In 2006 the widow Lilo Ackermann gave the Arnsberger Heimatbund the approximately 50,000 slides from the 1960s to 2005 from her deceased husband's estate. This estate was deposited as a deposit in the Arnsberg town and country archives in Arnsberg .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. 59th Westphalian Archives Day. (PDF) p. 71 , accessed on May 30, 2018 .
  2. ^ City of Arnsberg draft resolution 7/2005/164 / 4.5
  3. Professional view for photo motifs from nature and culture. Retrieved May 30, 2018 .
  4. ^ Friedhelm Ackermann, Alfred Bruns: Castles, palaces and monasteries in the Sauerland . 1985, ISBN 3-87793-014-X .
  5. Friedhelm Ackermann: Arnsberg pictures of an old city . Strobel, Arnsberg 1992, ISBN 3-87793-035-2 .
  6. Brief description of the photo estate