Friedrich Wilhelm Tittmann

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Friedrich Wilhelm Tittmann (born April 29, 1784 in Wittenberg , † May 20, 1864 in Dresden ) was a German lawyer , secret archivist and historian in Dresden.

Origin and life

Dr. Friedrich Wilhelm Tittmann was born in 1784 as the son of Karl Christian Tittmann (1744-1820) and Caroline Schleußner (1749-1824). He comes from a family of prominent theologians and scientists. From 1836 Tittmann worked in the main state archive in Dresden , of which he was director until 1848. In addition, he wrote numerous historical works. After his death, because of his services, he was buried in the council crypt of the Elias cemetery, just like his father Karl Christian Tittmann and brother Karl August Tittmann . Tittmannstrasse in the Striesen district of Dresden was named in honor of the family, not an individual.


  • About the Bund der Amphiktyonen, Verlag Hitzig, Berlin 1812
  • On Knowledge and Art in History, Dresden 1817
  • Presentation of the Greek state constitutions, Verlag Weidmann, Leipzig 1822
  • Education of our time, G. Reimer Verlag, Leipzig 1835
  • About beauty and art, Berlin 1841
  • History of Heinrich the Illustrious, Margrave of Meissen and in the Osterlande, Verlag Arnold, Dresden 1845–46

Individual evidence

  1. available in the Sächsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden


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