Friedrich von Mitterkirchen

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Half-length portrait of Bishop Friedrich I. von Mitterkirchen, Seckau basilica , bishop's chapel (depiction around 1595)

Friedrich von Mitterkirchen († August 23, 1317 ) was Bishop of Seckau .

Friedrich von Mitterkirchen came from an Upper Bavarian ministerial family. In 1280 he became Canon of Salzburg and in this capacity traveled to Rome in 1285 to receive the pallium for the future Archbishop of Salzburg, Rudolf von Hoheneck . In 1287 he became cathedral dean, from 1292 to 1308 cathedral provost. In 1290 he stayed at the Curia in Orvieto and worked for the election of Stephen of Lower Bavaria as the new archbishop. When Pope Clemens V rejected Stephen's election, he suggested Konrad von Fohnsdorf and moved him to accept the election.

In April 1308 Archbishop Konrad von Fohnsdorf appointed him Bishop of Seckau, and on April 6th he was consecrated in Judenburg .

Friedrich von Mitterkirchen played no political role, he mainly devoted himself to spiritual tasks. He was considered a sponsor of the Stainz and Rein monasteries .

Bishop Friedrich died on August 23, 1308, his grave is unknown.


  • Erwin Gatz : The Bishops of the Holy Roman Empire 1198 to 1448 . Berlin 1990-2001
predecessor Office successor
Ulrich II of Paldau Bishop of Seckau