Ulrich von Paldau

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Half-length portrait of Bishop Ulrich II. Von Paldau, Seckau basilica , bishop's chapel (depiction around 1595)

Ulrich von Paldau († between January 28 and February 4, 1308 ) was Ulrich II. Bishop of Seckau .

Ulrich von Paldau came from the knightly family of von Paldau (after Baldau near St. Georgen an der Stiefing ), his father Konrad was in the service of Bishop Leopold of Seckau . Ulrich Vizedom was in Leibnitz from 1288 to 1290, pastor of Pettau in 1290 , Marburg from 1295 and archdeacon of the Lower Mark in 1296.

In 1297 he was appointed bishop of Seckau and consecrated on September 24, 1297, when he was present in Vienna at the reconciliation of Duke Albrecht I and Archbishop Konrad von Fohnsdorf .

Ulrich von Paldau was often active in the archbishop's service and was also one of his financiers. In 1301 he supported Duke Albrecht in the fight against Count Palatine Ruprecht I of the Rhine and the later Bohemian King Rudolf II of Habsburg in his efforts for the royal crown.

In 1305, Bishop Ulrich had the Bischofegg fortress built near Eibiswald . He died in 1308, his grave is not documented.


  • Erwin Gatz : The Bishops of the Holy Roman Empire 1198 to 1448 . Berlin
predecessor Office successor
Henry II Bishop of Seckau
Friedrich I of Mitterkirchen