Friedrich von Werdt

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Friedrich Karl Georg von Werdt (born February 14, 1831 in Bern , † May 30, 1893 in Toffen ) was a Swiss engineer, landowner and politician.


Born as the son of the landowner and conservative Bernese Grand Councilor Karl Rudolf Friedrich von Werdt and his wife Caroline b. von Tscharner , Friedrich von Werdt studied forestry and engineering at the Polytechnic School in Karlsruhe . In 1849 he became a member of the Corps Franconia Karlsruhe . After completing his studies, he first worked as an engineer abroad and in railway construction in Switzerland before taking over the management of the family estate in Toffen in 1863 .

From 1862 to 1893 von Werdt was a radical member of the Grand Council of the Canton of Bern . After the parliamentary elections in 1872 he was a member of the National Council until 1881 . He did not accept his election to the Bern government council in 1877. The correction of the Gürbe and the road construction in the Seftigen district were the subject of his political commitment. In 1892 he was president of the committee for the construction of the Gürbetalbahn . Since 1868 he was married to Sophie von Wulf, who came from Livonia .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Corps list of Franconia Karlsruhe 1839–1929 , No. 72