Fritz Borrmann

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Fritz Borrmann (born September 26, 1869 in Bahnsdorf , † July 30, 1942 in Berlin ) was a German entrepreneur and politician ( economic party ).

Life and work

After attending primary school, Borrmann first received private lessons and then completed an apprenticeship as a grocer in Berlin , which he completed with the assistant test. He worked as an assistant in the grocery store and also attended lectures at the Humboldt Academy and at the Berlin School of Commerce , until in 1896 he went into business for himself with the Fritz Borrmann company, a grocery store in Berlin-Friedenau . In 1897 he became a board member of the Association of Berlin Merchants in the Grocery Industry. From 1906 to 1921 he was managing director of the purchasing cooperative of the colonial goods dealers (EdK). During the First World War he acted as an advisory board member in the War Food Office and as a member of the supervisory and advisory boards of various war societies.

Borrmann became general director of the Edeka central organization based in Berlin on April 1, 1921 . In addition, he was a member of the general committee of the Prussian Central Cooperative Fund and the administrative committee of the German Cooperative Association as well as a member of the supervisory board of Berliner Getreide-Industrie & -Commission AG. In 1923/24 he was a member of the Provisional Reich Economic Council as a representative of employers in the trade . He also worked as an expert assessor at the Reich Economic and Reich Cartel Court. In 1937 Borrmann resigned as general director at Edeka.

Fritz Borrmann was married to Sophie May, with whom he had a daughter.

Political party

Borrmann was a member of the Reich Party of German Middle Classes during the 1920s. In 1933 he joined the NSDAP .


Borrmann was a city ​​councilor in Berlin from 1920 to 1922 . In the Reichstag election in May 1924 , he was elected to the German Reichstag , to which he was a member until July 1932.


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