Fritz Hintze

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Fritz Hintze (born April 18, 1915 in Berlin ; † March 30, 1993 ibid) was a German Egyptologist and Sudanese archaeologist . He was the founder of Sudan archeology in Germany.

Hinze studied from 1933 to 1940 at the University of Berlin with Hermann Grapow and from 1936 worked for the dictionary of the Egyptian language . In 1944 he received his doctorate. After his military service he worked again for the dictionary. In 1947 he received his habilitation at Humboldt University, where he was appointed lecturer in 1947 and professor in 1951. In 1957 he founded the Institute for Egyptology there , which was renamed the Institute for Sudan Archeology and Egyptology in 1968 . In 1980 he retired. From 1956 to 1959 he was also director of the Institute for Orient Research of the Academy of Sciences , of which he was a member from 1959.

Hintze's main area of ​​research was the study of the Meroitic culture in Nubia . He undertook field research projects in Butana (1957–58) and Musawwarat es Sufra (1960–1970). His students included an entire generation of DD Egyptologists, who mostly specialized in the ancient Sudan, including Erika Endesfelder , Liselotte Honigmann-Zinserling , Irene Shirun-Grumach , Karl-Heinz Priese , Walter-Friedrich Reineke and Steffen Little .


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