Fritz Kudnig

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Fritz Kudnig (born June 17, 1888 in Königsberg ; † February 6, 1979 ) was an East Prussian writer who, as a local poet, wrote numerous time-critical poems and was widely recognized by his compatriots.


Fritz Kudnig was born in Königsberg, today's Kaliningrad . His father was the sergeant Friedrich Wilhelm Kudnig, who was in service with the Wrangel cuirassiers in Königsberg and then practiced a civilian profession in Braunsberg . His mother Marie, b. Heinrich came from Deutschendorf near Mühlhausen in the Prussian Holland district . Fritz Kudnig spent his summer vacation with his grandparents in Deutschendorf. Accordingly, his upbringing was shaped by Christian values ​​and a respect for nature. The young Kudnik spent his school days in Braunsberg and was allowed to attend high school there because of his talent. In 1910 he passed his exams as royal Prussian court actuary, was called to the Königsberg higher regional court and, at his own request, was transferred to Memel , where he was trained as a trainee lawyer.

In 1922, Kudnig published his first volume of poetry, Through Sorrow and Light . He had great success with his book about the spit , which expresses his great love for the landscape and the people. With the expulsion and flight in World War II, his enthusiastic way of writing changed into a struggle against the inadequacies of life, as expressed in flight and contemplation .

Fritz Kudnig married the farmer's daughter Margarete Kudnig in 1920 and had three children with her.


  • 1922: Through suffering and light
  • 1925: The Song of the Curonian Spit
  • 1935: Land of a Thousand Lakes
  • 1938: The miracle by the sea
  • 1952: God's lute playing
  • 1956: The fight for Master Eckehart
  • 1956: Heart in the home
  • 1958: Escape and retreat
  • 1959: Cheerful Stremels from the Vistula and Memel
  • 1963: When the heather blooms
  • 1963: Land of my love
  • 1966: Drive into the sun
  • 1976: Man between heaven and earth

New editions

  • The miracle by the sea The song of a landscape Munich. Gräfe and Unzer, Munich 1954.
  • Land of a thousand lakes. The soul of a landscape. Gräfe and Unzer, Munich 1956.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Helmut Damerau: German Soldier Yearbook . Volume 28, Schild Verlag, 1980, p. 443.
  2. a b c d Fritz Kudnig - Life and Work at, accessed on November 21, 2015.
  3. ^ The Ostpreußenblatt of February 4, 1984.