Fritz Luz

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Fritz Luz (born February 27, 1905 in Eppingen ; † February 5, 1987 there ; registered as Friedrich Luz in the registry office) was managing director and editor of the Eppinger Zeitung from 1926 to 1971 (with interruptions) .

Family and education

Fritz Luz was born in Eppingen as the son of the book printer owner Heinrich Luz. After attending elementary and secondary school in Eppingen, he trained as a printer in his father's company from 1920 to 1924 . When his father died in 1926, he became the managing director and editor of the printing company and the Eppinger Zeitung in the company that now belonged to his mother . On August 27, 1932, Fritz married Luz Wilma nee Kühn.

time of the nationalsocialism

The Eppinger Zeitung could continue to appear after 1933, and at the beginning of the Second World War Fritz Luz was released from military service as indispensable. On February 6, 1942, he was finally drafted into the Wehrmacht , where he served as a soldier until the end of the war.

Fritz Luz joined the SS in November 1933 in order to “keep the business viable and thus maintain the family's livelihood” (Report dated May 5, 1947). In 1941 he was promoted to SS-Oberscharführer there . In spring 1934 he applied for membership in the NSDAP .


The incomplete file of the Spruchkammer Sinsheim no longer contains the judgment of this Spruchkammer proceedings , which according to the file had not yet been completed in May 1947. Fritz Luz was able to found the Neue Eppinger Zeitung in 1949 , which he renamed the Eppinger Zeitung on January 1, 1954 . He was their publisher until December 31, 1971.


In addition to his countless articles in the Eppinger Zeitung , he published several essays on the history of Eppingen in the series Rund um den Ottilienberg. Contributions to the history of the city of Eppingen and the surroundings of Heimatfreunde Eppingen .

Sources and literature

  • General State Archives Karlsruhe (GLA): 465 a / 61/23/2552 (Friedrich Luz)
  • Karl Diefenbacher: Ortssippenbuch Eppingen in Kraichgau . Interest group Badischer Ortssippenbücher, Lahr-Dinglingen 1984 ( German Ortssippenbücher, series A. Volume 109) ( Badische Ortssippenbücher . Volume 52).