Fox letters

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Fuchsbriefe, Dr. Hans Fuchs GmbH is a publishing house for entrepreneurs and wealthy investors based in Berlin .


Fuchsbriefe was founded in 1949 as a one-product publisher by the namesake Hans Fuchs. The Berlin-born journalist first published an information service for entrepreneurs, Bonner Privatinformationen , on September 23, 1949 . He had already written an entrepreneur's letter from Bielefeld beforehand and - owing to the circumstances of the immediate post-war period - drove it out himself. It was characterized by a personal, brief style of information and the requirement to think further about information, always to be “one step ahead” of the discussion in other media.

During the time of the economic miracle , the circulation of private information in Bonn skyrocketed. In business circles they were soon called the “Fuchsbriefe”. Since the 1960s, this has been both the publisher's name and the name of what is still the most important letter in the publishing program. During this time, Hans Fuchs put together an editorial team, including the later President of the Deutsche Bundesbank, Karl-Otto Pöhl . The economist came to Fuchsbriefe from the Ifo Institute in Munich . Hans Kohlmey († 1978) became editor-in-chief . He was first followed by the agency journalist Friedrich Hommers , in 1995 the newspaper journalist Ralf Vielhaber (now publisher and managing director) and since 2007 the specialist journalist Sigurd Fleischer († 2010). Another formative personality as a long-time employee was the financial journalist and founder of the stock market section in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Heinz Brestel († 2009).

Fuchs sold the publishing house in 1980 to the Bertelsmann media group . There he belonged to the Bertelsmann specialist publishers. In 1980, Fuchs-Devisen appeared for the first time, followed by Fuchs-Kapitalanlagen in 1985. The publisher has been publishing focal publications, the Fuchs Reports, since 1992. In 1995 the publisher initiated its own seminars for the first time. Since 2002, Vermögensmanagement has appeared in the Fuchsbriefe test "Tops", an independent study of the quality of advice provided by private banks and independent wealth managers . In 2003 the publisher expanded the classic subscription business with the online sale of individual issues. FUCHS Nonprofit in Plus has been part of the repertoire since 2012. At the turn of the year 1999/2000 the publishing house moved from Bonn to Berlin.

In 2003 Dr. Hans Fuchs GmbH sold to financial investors Cinven and Candover as part of BertelsmannSpringer Fachverlage . These formed the specialist publishing group Springer Science + Business Media .

Publishing program

In addition to the Fuchsbriefe, which appear twice a week, the publishing products now include:

  • Fuchs-Devisen , a special information letter for entrepreneurs and investors in the interest and foreign exchange markets
  • Fuchs capital investments with investment recommendations for wealthy private investors
  • The Consultant Fox , an online information letter for consultants in private wealth management with a focus on tax structures and liability risks
  • Investment opportunities , a book to be published in October that is intended as a guide for wealthy private investors
  • Fuchs reports on various key topics for entrepreneurs and wealthy investors
  • Fuchs seminars
  • Fuchs services such as independent customer surveys for banks and asset managers or mystery shopping
  • Annually published book Fuchs Geldanlagebuch (approx. 350 pages; 2020 ISBN 978-3-948349-02-8 ).

Management and responsible editors

Publishing director of Fuchsbriefe, Dr. Hans Fuchs GmbH, is Ralf Vielhaber . He is both publisher and editor-in-chief of Fuchsbriefe, as well as editor-in-chief of the other publications in the publishing program. Deputy editor-in-chief at Verlag Fuchsbriefe is Stefan Ziermann, who is also editor-in-chief of FUCHS-Kapitalanlagen and publisher of the annual book publication "Anlagenchancen".

Web links

Publishing portal Fuchsbriefe Dr. Hans Fuchs GmbH

Individual evidence

  1. Stock market letter portal: Bernecker, Platow, Frankfurter, Prof. Otte and many more. Accessed on July 2, 2020 .