Fuertesia dominguensis

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Fuertesia dominguensis
Order : Dogwood-like (Cornales)
Family : Nettle family (Loasaceae)
Subfamily : Gronovioideae
Genre : Fuertesia
Type : Fuertesia dominguensis
Scientific name of the  genus
Scientific name of the  species
Fuertesia dominguensis

Fuertesia dominguensis is a plant from the family of loasaceae (Loasaceae) and the only species of genus Fuertesia .


Fuertesia dominguensis is a liana that is covered with brittle as well as characteristic, 0.5 millimeter long, stinging, but not stinging hair. The hair has two hooks at the top. The leaves are alternate, the leaf blades are heart-shaped, leathery and with entire margins.

The inflorescences are terminal and thyrse-like , typically with a dichasium on the very outside and one to three dichasial paracladia . The flowers are five-fold and almost sessile, with two linear bracts per flower . The calyx lobes are ingrown and yellow-green, the petals slit-leaved and enclosed in the calyx, thin-skinned and pale yellow. The stamens in front of the sepals lack a differentiated connective , the anthers are bilateral.

The fruit is an egg-shaped capsule with winged seams, on top of which sits the calyx, which remains even after flowering.

The number of chromosomes is n = 13.


Fuertesia dominguensis is endemic to Hispaniola .


The species is classified in the subfamily Gronovioideae . It was first described in 1910 by Ignatz Urban , since then it has been collected several times. It is closely related to the Gronovia .


  • Maximilian Weigend: Loasaceae. In: Klaus Kubitzki (Ed.): The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants . Volume 6: Flowering Plants, Dicotyledons: Celastrales, Oxalidales, Rosales, Cornales, Ericales . Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg / New York 2004, ISBN 3-540-06512-1 , pp. 248 (English, limited preview in Google Book search).
  • Maximilian Weigend: Familial and generic classification. Online , accessed August 3, 2008