Günter Domschke

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Günter Domschke (2018)

Günter Domschke (born November 28, 1930 in Bautzen ) is a German chemist ( organic chemistry ).


Domschke studied chemistry at the TU Dresden . During the experimental implementation of his diploma thesis on streptopolymethine dyes with Walter König (1954) a bottle with about 100 ml of acetyl nitrate exploded , causing him to lose both hands. Nevertheless, he continued to work successfully in experiments until his retirement. He was from 1956 research assistant and in 1960 with a thesis "About 1-benzyl-2-methyl-5methoxy-indole derivatives as potential antagonists of serotonin" doctorate . He completed his habilitation in 1965 at the TU Dresden with a habilitation thesis on "The effect of enamines on p-benzoquinone (a contribution to the Nenitzescu reaction)". For political reasons he did not become an associate lecturer until 1984. In 1990 he became associate professor and in 1992 professor for organic chemistry at the TU Dresden. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, he was Vice Dean for Chemistry and Food Chemistry (1991 to 1994), jointly responsible for the restructuring of the chemistry department at the TU Dresden. From 1992 to 1996 he was liaison lecturer at the German National Academic Foundation (from 1994 head liaison lecturer for the TU Dresden).


He is one of the authors of the standard work Organikum (employees up to the 21st edition) and author of the organic-chemical part in textbook 7 of the complex textbook chemistry (4 editions).

Domschke mainly dealt with nitrogen and sulfur-nitrogen heterocycles. During investigations into thionitroso compounds, he discovered a new class of persistent sulfur-nitrogen radicals, the 1,2,3-dithiazolyls, together with R. Mayer, S. Bleisch, A. Bartl and A. Staško. Another area of ​​work was polycondensed aromatics, which are suitable as organic storage media for lithium cells. He is the inventor and co-inventor of several patents e.g. B. Perylene pigments. Scientifically, he worked closely with the Institute for Chemical Physics of the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava and the Dresden Central Institute for Materials Research of the former Academy of Sciences of the GDR (later: Institute for Solid State Research, IFW Dresden).

Publications (selection)

  • G. Domschke: The 5-hydroxyindole synthesis according to CD Nenitzescu , Z. Chem. 6 (1966) 41. - G. Domschke, Sinteza 5-Hidroxi-indolilor dupã CD Neniţescu , St. cerc. chim. Tom. 14, (1966) 673-700.
  • G. Domschke: Representation of substituted 5-hydroxy-benzofurans , J. Prakt. Chem. 4th series, 32, (1966) 144.
  • G. Domschke: N-substituted 5-hydroxy-2,3-dimethoxycarbonyl-indoles and follow-up products , 311, (1969) 807.
  • G. Domschke, R. Beckert, R. Mayer : Isocyanides from N-sulfinylamines. A new, powerful synthesis, Synthesis 1977, 275.
  • R. Mayer, S. Bleisch, G. Domschke: Attempts to synthesize thionitroso compounds and search for new types of colored systems with sulfur-nitrogen multiple bonds , Z. Chem. 18, (1978) 323.
  • R. Mayer, G. Domschke, S. Bleisch, J. Fabian, A. Bartl, A. Staško: 1,2,3-Dithiazolyls, a new class of persistent radicals , Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 48: 684 (1984).
  • G. Domschke, R. Mayer, S. Bleisch, A. Bartl, A. Staško: ESR-Study of the Reaction of Trithiazyltrichloride with Primary Aromatic Amines , Magn. Reson. Chem. 28, (1990) 797.
  • A. Bartl, J. Fröhner, T. Knieß, G. Domschke, R. Mayer, S. Roth: New Charge-Transfer Complexes with Polyconjugated Sulfur Compounds , Synthetic Metals 51, (1992) 115.
  • F. Stuhlmann, G. Domschke, A. Bartl, L. Omelka: Electrochemical and Electron Spin Resonance Investigations of some 1,2,3-Oxa- and -Thiazoles, Magn. Reson. Chem. 36, (1998) 8.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Heinz GO Becker , Werner Berger , Günter Domschke, Egon Fanghänel , Jürgen Faust, Mechthild Fischer, Fritjof Gentz, Karl Gewald , Reiner Gluch, Roland Mayer , Klaus Müller, Dietrich Pavel, Hermann Schmidt, Karl Schollberg, Klaus Schwetlick , Erika Seiler and Günter Zeppenfeld: Organikum , Johann Ambrosius Barth Verlag, 1993 , 19th edition, ISBN 3-335-00343-8 .
  2. Textbook Chemistry, Textbook 7 Reaction Behavior and Synthesis Principles: From a collective of authors under the leadership of E. Uhlig; VEB German publishing house for basic industry, Leipzig 1973.