Günter Mentzel

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Günter Mentzel (born July 26, 1936 in Berlin ; † May 12, 2007 there ) was a German construction worker . He was one of the strike leaders in the uprising of June 17, 1953 in the German Democratic Republic .


Mentzel, who first attended a primary school in Berlin-Mitte , did an apprenticeship as a bricklayer at VEB Industriebau Berlin from 1951 to 1953 . In June 1953, he worked as an apprentice on Block 40 of the construction site on what was then East Berlin's Stalinallee (today Karl-Marx-Allee ). When the workers' protest against the SED government's increase in norms arose there on June 15, 1953, at the age of 16, Mentzel became one of the strike leaders in the GDR uprising in June 1953. After the uprising was put down, the GDR leadership was subjected to pressure exposed, Günter Mentzel came to the Federal Republic of Germany via West Berlin in 1955 , where he initially worked as a foreign writer. After his marriage in 1960 he first lived in the Ruhr area , and from 1962 back in West Berlin.

Mentzel is buried in the Ehrenfeld on June 17th at the Seestrasse cemetery in Berlin-Wedding .


  1. ^ Association June 17, 1953 eV: Press release: Günter Mentzel dead - construction workers on Stalinallee , May 12, 2007
  2. "Strikführer des June 17 is dead" , Berliner Morgenpost , May 13, 2007

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