Günther Hennecke

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Günther Hennecke (born August 11, 1912 in Halle (Saale) ; † November 21, 1943 in a submarine operation in the North Atlantic ) was a gassing doctor in the Nazi killing center Grafeneck and the Nazi killing center Hadamar in the context of the murders during National Socialism .


Günther Hennecke was born in Halle on August 11, 1912 and studied medicine . In 1933 he joined both the SA and the NSDAP .

From April 25, 1940, he was appointed deputy gassing doctor at the Nazi killing center in Grafeneck as part of the National Socialist “euthanasia” program (known in post-war parlance as “ Aktion T4 ”) . In the same function and as deputy director, Hennecke was from January 13 to June 1941 at the Nazi killing center at Hadamar . Here he appeared in correspondence under the code name “Dr. Stain ”. The medical director and director of Hadamar was Ernst Baumhard . After differences with the T4 organizer Viktor Brack , Baumhard and Hennecke joined the Navy in the summer of 1941 .

According to an “expert” list from the T4 central office , Hennecke was a member of the T4 organization from April 25, 1940 under the heading “Doctors in the institutions”.

According to the "Hartheim Document", statistics from the T4 organization, 10,072 people were killed in Grafeneck in 1940 and from January 1941 to the end of August 1941 in Hadamar. The period in which Hennecke was in Grafeneck accounted for 8,600 victims and the time in Hadamar for 6,262 victims.

Hennecke drove in the Navy as a marine doctor and medical officer on submarines and received the War Merit Cross, Second Class with Swords , for his services . When U 538 was sunk in the North Atlantic south-west of Ireland, Hennecke and 54 other U-boat men were killed on November 21, 1943.

An investigation by the public prosecutor's office in Frankfurt / Main because of his activity in Grafeneck and Hadamar was closed in August 1946 with the note “Probably deceased”.


  • Ernst Klee : "Euthanasia" in the Nazi state . 11th edition. Fischer-Taschenbuch, Frankfurt / M. 2004, ISBN 3-596-24326-2 .
  • Ernst Klee: "Günther Hennecke" entry in ders .: The dictionary of persons on the Third Reich. Who was what before and after 1945 . Updated edition. Fischer-Taschenbuch, Frankfurt am Main 2005, ISBN 3-596-16048-0 , p. 245.
  • Henry Friedlander : The Road to Nazi Genocide. From euthanasia to the final solution. Berlin, Berlin-Verlag, 1997. ISBN 3-8270-0265-6 .
  • Peter Sandner: “Administration of the murder of the sick. The Nassau District Association in National Socialism ”, Gießen, 2003, ISBN 3-89806-320-8 .
  • "Relocated to Hadamar", historical series of publications by the State Welfare Association of Hesse, catalogs Volume 2, Kassel 1994, ISBN 3-89203-011-1 .


  1. Heidelberg documents, “Reviewer” list, facsimile in Klee “Euthanasia in the Nazi State”, p. 228f.
  2. Statistics in Klee “Documents on 'Euthanasia'”, p. 232f.
  3. Archive link ( Memento of the original from March 14, 2012 on WebCite ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Sinking of U 538  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.uboat.net