Głos Lubelski

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Penultimate edition of Głos Lubelski
Głos Lubelski
description daily newspaper
First edition March 22, 1913
latest edition September 17, 1939

Głos Lubelski (Lublin Voice) was a political daily published by the nationalist movement Narodowa Demokracja in Lublin .

Origin and beginning time

Nationalist-democratic activists in Lublin cooperated with various newspapers at the turn of the century, such as B. the Gazeta Lubelska, Goniec Lubelski, and Ziemia Lubelska. The departure of Roman Śliwicki, the editor of the latter, from the nationalist movement made it necessary to publish a new newspaper. In the spring of 1913, the governor of the voivodeship gave his approval. At first the newspaper was published weekly, but before the end of the same year it was restructured into a daily newspaper. The first editor was Władysław Rogowski, but only two months later Wacław Kryński replaced him. The newspaper belonged to the underground political organization Liga Narodova. Although the Narodowa Demokracja appeared pro-Russian, the newspaper was fined several times because it represented Polish national interests.

During the First World War

The outbreak of the First World War led to problems with the publication of the newspaper. On the one hand, the supply of paper and printing ink was now regulated, on the other hand, the support of the Russians in the war resulted in a drop in sales, as there was broad opposition to the Russian troops in Lublin. The number of subscribers fell until the once frequently bought newspaper almost disappeared. In 1915, before Austria-Hungary entered the war, the editorial staff of the daily left the city. It was only thanks to the determined commitment of Ryszard Wojdaliński, a young member of the Liga Narodowa, that the magazine continued to appear. The editor took up the moderate political direction again, here Józef Guzowski soon replaced him. But he was a critic of the idea of ​​the League Narodowa, which led to the demolition of the editorial rooms by supporters of Piłsudski, whereupon the former editor returned to his office. As a skilful organizer in times of favorable political circumstances (victory of the Allies over the Central Powers) he led the newspaper out of the crisis. Over time, the paper increasingly defended Polish interests.

Second Polish Republic

In independent Poland, the newspaper became the most popular daily in Lublin. After the departure of the previous editor (Wojdaliński became a member of the Sejm ), Stanisław Sasorski took up the post in 1919. The newspaper criticized Józef Piłsudski so sharply that it almost briefly lost its right to publish. At the beginning of January 1920 one began to change the duties of the editor-in-chief. In 1922 the sheet was formally subordinated to the Związek Ludowo-Narodowy. The editorial rooms were often the target of destruction, attacks and an address to which threatening letters were sent. Despite everything, the first half of the 1920s was a productive and successful time for the daily newspaper.

The May coup of 1926 had a negative effect on the sales of the paper. The newspaper was subjected to censorship and, among other things, was confiscated. This led to a softening of the political line. From a financial point of view, the time of the Great Depression was the most difficult. It was only thanks to the financial support of Stronnictwo Narodowe and advertising income from landowners in the area that the newspaper was able to maintain its position on the newspaper market. The financial problems became even more severe when internal conflicts arose among the editors.

The existence of the paper ended with the outbreak of the Second World War . The last edition appeared on September 17, 1939. With the consent of the Russian occupation forces, a few more editions appeared in October of the same year, but in the end the newspaper was closed.

Individual evidence

  1. I. Walaszek, "Glos Lubelski" 1913-1939 , [w:] Prasa Narodowej demokracji. Prasa localna, regionalna, środowiskowa , t. 4, red. Ewa Maj , Aneta Dawidowicz , Wydawnictwo UMCS, Lublin 2013, s. 49-52.
  2. I. Walaszek, "Glos Lubelski" 1913-1939 , [w:] Prasa Narodowej demokracji. Prasa localna, regionalna, środowiskowa , t. 4, red. Ewa Maj , Aneta Dawidowicz , Wydawnictwo UMCS, Lublin 2013, s. 52-56.
  3. I. Walaszek, "Glos Lubelski" 1913-1939 , [w:] Prasa Narodowej demokracji. Prasa localna, regionalna, środowiskowa , t. 4, red. Ewa Maj , Aneta Dawidowicz , Wydawnictwo UMCS, Lublin 2013, s. 58-67.
  4. I. Walaszek, "Glos Lubelski" 1913-1939 , [w:] Prasa Narodowej demokracji. Prasa localna, regionalna, środowiskowa , t. 4, red. Ewa Maj , Aneta Dawidowicz , Wydawnictwo UMCS, Lublin 2013, s. 68-74.
  5. I. Walaszek, "Glos Lubelski" 1913-1939 , [w:] Prasa Narodowej demokracji. Prasa localna, regionalna, środowiskowa , t. 4, red. Ewa Maj , Aneta Dawidowicz , Wydawnictwo UMCS, Lublin 2013, s. 78.

Web links


  • I. Walaszek, “Głos Lubelski” 1913-1939 , [w:] Prasa narodowej demokracji. Prasa localna, regionalna, środowiskowa , t. 4, red. Ewa Maj, Aneta Dawidowicz, Wydawnictwo UMCS, Lublin 2013, pp. 49-79.