Gabriel Kolb

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Gabriel Kolb Sen. (* around 1521; † 1607 in St. Joachimsthal ), was a Bohemian mountain master . He headed the St. Joachimsthal Mining Authority.


Nothing is known about Kolb's origin. From 1567 he stayed in Fischbach near Abertham , where he presumably worked as a shift supervisor . In April 1578 the administration of the miner's office in St. Joachimsthal was assigned to him and confirmed on January 10 of the following year. In 1580 Kolb was ordered to Prague, along with several people from other mining towns, to improve the mountain order . According to a letter dated April 3, 1583, he received instructions to set up a general ore house in St. Joachimsthal. Around 1590, when mining in the region had experienced a renewed boom, Kolb visited the mines in St. Gottesgab and Reinhard together with his son, the miner from lead town, and expressed in a letter to the miner there that they were willing to give up this hopeful mining again. At the same time he encouraged Count Palatine Friedrich in a report to him to continue promoting ore mining. Kolb resigned from office as early as 1590. David Seltenreich was his successor . Kolb died in 1607 at the age of 86.

Family and offspring

Gabriel Kolb was probably born with a Catharina. Löhser married and had the following children:

  • Helena; ⚭ 1579 in St. Joachimsthal Veit Pickenhan
  • Gabriel Jun., Bergmeister ?; ⚭ 1585 in St. Joachimsthal Eva Fritzsch
  • Catharina; ⚭ October 19, 1586 in Abertham Elias Steiniger Sen., schoolmaster, cantor
  • Anna; ⚭ October 27, 1591 in Abertham Adam Voigtländer
  • Sabina (baptized November 9, 1567 in Abertham)
  • Regina (baptized December 20, 1569 in Abertham)
  • Mary (baptized December 19, 1570 in Abertham)
  • Christof (baptized March 24, 1573 in Abertham)
  • Elisabeth (baptized November 4, 1575 in Abertham); ⚭ 1608 in St. Joachimsthal Johann Macasius Sen., town clerk, mayor

His grandchildren include the mountain master of Platten Elias Steiniger Jun. And the mountain master of Gottesgab Johann Gabriel Macasius .

Individual evidence

  1. Johann Matthesius: Berg-Postilla, or Sarepta, in it of all Bergwerck and Metallen ... given a good report ... look through new ones ... from different edition buses ... sampt the Chronico of the Freyen Bergstadt in S. Joachimsthal, and a sermon on the 133rd Psalm, as it was done by M. Johannes Mathesius at one time ... Printed and published in Freyberg by Zacharias Beckern, 1679 ( [accessed on April 9, 2018]).
  2. Johann Matthesius: Berg-Postilla, or Sarepta, in it of all Bergwerck and Metallen ... given a good report ... look through new ones ... from different edition buses ... sampt the Chronico of the Freyen Bergstadt in S. Joachimsthal, and a sermon on the 133rd Psalm, as it was done by M. Johannes Mathesius at one time ... Printed and published in Freyberg by Zacharias Beckern, 1679 ( [accessed on April 9, 2018]).
  3. Chronological-systematic collection of the mining laws of the Kingdom of Bohemia, the Margraviate of Moravia and the Duchy of Silesia: 1 . JP Sollinger, 1832 ( [accessed April 9, 2018]).
  4. Description of the mountains of Bavaria and the upper Palatinate with the fossils found in them ... Mountain and hut buildings ... By Mathias Flurl . Joseph Leutner, 1792 ( [accessed April 9, 2018]).
  5. Johann Matthesius: Berg-Postilla, or Sarepta, in it of all Bergwerck and Metallen ... given a good report ... look through new ones ... from different edition buses ... sampt the Chronico of the Freyen Bergstadt in S. Joachimsthal, and a sermon on the 133rd Psalm, as it was done by M. Johannes Mathesius at one time ... Printed and published in Freyberg by Zacharias Beckern, 1679 ( [accessed on April 9, 2018]).