Gaius Rutilius Gallicus

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Quintus Iulius Cordinus Gaius Rutilius Gallicus (* around 24/25; † around 91/92) was a Roman senator of the 1st century.

He came from the Rutilii family from Augusta Taurinorum, today's Turin . Presumably the second from his family, he entered the senatorial office ( cursus honorum ) . After the military tribunate in Legio XIII Gemina and the bursary , he became a curular aedile around 52/53 . Still under Claudius , he was then a legate of the Legio XV Apollinaris , which was stationed in Carnuntum . During the reign of Nero he became praetor , governor of the province of Galatia (in this capacity he took part in the Gnaeus Domitius Corbulos campaign in Armenia) and legate of the proconsul of the province of Asia .

Probably in 71 or 72 Rutilius held his first consulate as a suffect consul . As a special envoy for Emperor Vespasian , he went to the province of Africa in 73/74 to enforce tax increases and redefine borders. After the consulate, but before the year 78, he was adopted by a Quintus Iulius Cordus and added the components Quintus Iulius Cordinus to his name . In 78 he was the governor of Germania inferior ; he could in the Batavian intricate brukterische prophetess Veleda capture. The last known stations of his career were the city ​​prefecture from around 84 and a second suffect consulate in 85. Probably before the year 92 he died after a long illness.

The poet Statius dedicated a surviving poem to Rutilius Gallicus. Since the year 68 Rutilius sodalis Augustalis , since about 70 pontiff . He was married to Minica Paetina.




  1. He only had these parts of his name since his adoption in the 1970s.
  2. CIL 16, 23 .
  3. ^ Statius , Silvae 1, 4, 90.
  4. ^ Statius, Silvae 1, praefatio .
  5. CIL 5, 6990 .