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State : SwitzerlandSwitzerland Switzerland
Canton : Canton ZurichCanton Zurich Zurich (ZH)
District : Affolternw
Political community : Stallikoni2 w1
Postal code : 8143
Coordinates : 679 838  /  240871 coordinates: 47 ° 18 '50 "  N , 8 ° 29' 40"  O ; CH1903:  six hundred seventy-nine thousand eight hundred thirty-eight  /  240871
Height : 581  m above sea level M.
Gamlikon (Switzerland)
w w w w

Gamlikon is a hamlet that belongs to the municipality of Stallikon in the Affoltern district within the Swiss canton of Zurich .

Gamlikon lies between Aumüli in the south and Stallikon in the north in the upper Reppischtal . In the east, extending Albis chain , from where the Gamliker village stream flows off that flows through the village and then flows into the Reppisch. In the west there is an extension of the pine floor , which here forces the Reppisch to curve eastwards. Gamlikon is accessed by a small side street , which, however, meets the better developed side street Reppischtalstrasse at both ends , which connects the hamlet with Stallikon.


Earlier known names for Gamlikon are Gamilinchoven 1106, Gamelinchovin 1122 and 1124, Gamelinchon 1189, Gamlikomin 1323, Gamlinkon 1327, 1366 and 1370, Gemrikon 1361, Gamlickhon 1370 and Gamlikomin 1376. However, the current name appeared in the years 1357, 1369, 1371 , 1375, 1470 and 1504.

Individual evidence

  1. Entry for Gamlikon on