Gang Benchen

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Gang Benchen
Gang Benchen from the north

Gang Benchen from the north

height 7281  m
location Tibet Autonomous Region ( PR China )
Mountains Baiku Kangri ( Himalaya )
Dominance 24.83 km →  Porong Ri
Notch height 1340 m ↓  unnamed pass ( 5941  m ) between Nandanli and Daqu
Coordinates 28 ° 33 '6 "  N , 85 ° 32' 45"  E Coordinates: 28 ° 33 '6 "  N , 85 ° 32' 45"  E
Gang Benchen (Tibet)
Gang Benchen
First ascent April 21, 1982 by a Japanese expedition

The Gang Benchen - also known as Kang Benchen , Kangboqen , Kangbengquin , Kangpenqin , Kangbochin or Kangpengqing - is the highest elevation of the Baiku Kangri , a mountain range that branches off the main Himalayan chain northwest of Shishapangma , reaching northwest .

In addition to the different spellings of the name, different altitude information in the range from 7211  m to 7299  m are known.

Ascent history

The first ascent was made on April 1, 1982 by Riyuko Morimoto, Kozo Matsubayashi, Kazunari Ushida, Shim Koshima, Takao Morito, Goro Hitomi, Kiyoshi Nakagawa and Hiroshi Kondo, members of a Japanese expedition. The following day, Shoichiro Ueo, Takashi Nishiyama and Rikuyo Morimoto reached the summit.

Web links

Commons : Gang Benchen  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  2. Academic Alpine Club of Kyoto ( Memento of the original from March 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. a b Asia, China, Gang Ben Chen . AAJ, 1983, vol. 25th