Mountain buildings

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Mountain chalets (Budziska) is the name of a former mountain enclave owned by the Imperial Count Schaffgotsch from Teplitz (Teplice) , which was founded on 15 November 1735th On the right the coat of arms of the von Schaffgotsch family.


All settlements and places belonging to the district were or are north of the main ridge, on the Polish side of the Giant Mountains since 1945 .

Outline and history

The area included the localities Baberhäuser (Borowice) , Wolfshau (Wilcza Poręba) , Forstlangwasser (Budniki) and Brückenberg (Karpacz Górny or Bierutowice) , where the administration and the court were also located. In this tavern the disputes between the inhabitants of the mountain houses were negotiated. The building still exists today and was converted into a holiday home. In addition to the villages, there were also a few mining lands , spread over the main ridge of the mountains near the Schneekoppe, in the municipality. Namely, the Prinz-Heinrich-Baude , Hampelbaude , Kleine Teichbaude , Schlingelbaude , Hasenbaude, Teichmannbaude, Melzergrundbaude, Berghähnlein youth hostel, Schlesierhaus and customs officer recovery home on the Koppenplan as well as the Schneekoppenbaude and the observatory on the Schneekoppe.

The following entry on the mountain community can be found in a place directory of Silesia from 1797:

“Mountain buildings, to which the Baberhäuſer, Forſtlangwaſſer and Wolfshau have been incorporated, contain 1 school, 41 cottagers, 1 water mill, 570 inhabitants. The village is also called Brückenberg; In some of these isolated houses, especially at Wolfshau, there are days in December when there is no day. "

In 1942 the Gebirgsbauden community was dissolved as part of a regional reform. Brückenberg, Wolfshau and the individual buildings were incorporated into Krummhübel. Long forest water came to Buschvorwerk (Krzaczyna) , now a district of Kowary , the former Schmiedeberg. Baberhäuser probably came to Seidorf (Sosnówka) , which now belongs to Podgórzyn (formerly Giersdorf ) itself .


“Our Lady”, the church in Borowice
Here were the mining lands of forest long water
The Wang Stave Church
in Karpacz Górny

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Page of the town of Karpacz on the history. Retrieved March 18, 2016 . Polish
  2. a b The history of the post in the communities of Krummhübel and Gebirgsbauden. Retrieved March 18, 2016 .
  3. Friedrich Gottlob Leonhardi (Ed.), Earth Description of the Prussian Monarchy, Volume 2, Page 443. Retrieved March 18, 2016 . GoogleBook