Monument to the fallen in Broager

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The memorial hill with 164 labeled boulders on the church cemetery of Broager

The war memorial in Broager is a man-made hill in the church cemetery of the village Broager in today's Denmark . The early 1920s built memorial is a monument for 190 casualties of the First World War from the nine former German locations in the Broager Land.

History and description

Inscriptions of various kinds with family names and dates of death

At the beginning of the 20th century, Broager Land in North Schleswig ( Sønderjylland ) was still part of the German Empire . At the beginning of the First World War, adult men between the ages of 18 and 45 were drafted. 190 of them died and were buried in various war sites.

After the end of the war, donations were collected in the parish to commemorate the favors , in which all households of the affected communities participated. According to a design by the artist Johan Thomas Skovgaard (1888–1977), a central memorial mound was first applied in the Broager churchyard. Together with the youth club, 164 boulders from the coast of Broager Land were grouped around the hill according to their hometown. The stones were engraved with the names and dates of the fathers, sons and brothers of the families concerned in various ways. Two stones show the names of four brothers and one stone shows a father and two sons, a total of 188 names are carved.

Nine oaks were planted on the top of the memorial hill , one for each of the municipalities in Broager Land, in the middle of which there is another memorial stone with the Danish inscription:

"Sten sat over Broager Land Sønner til Minde faldne i Krigen 1914-18"

"German: stone, set for the sons of Broackerland to commemorate those who fell in the war of 1914-18"

The memorial was inaugurated as part of a memorial service in Broager Kirke on November 19, 1922.

Web links

Commons : Broager memorial to the fallen  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d o.V. : Memorial mound , text in German on the trilingual notice board in front of the memorial mound in the church cemetery, ed. by Broager SOGN (undated); compare the text on the board
  2. a b c d Martin Bo Nørregård: The Monument to the Fallen in Broacker / Broager Kirkegård (re-selection from the left menu field required), ed. from Museum Sønderjylland [undated], last accessed on 21 September 2017
  3. Compare, for example, the photo documentation

Coordinates: 54 ° 53 ′ 33 ″  N , 9 ° 40 ′ 19 ″  E