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Weapon type: dagger
Designations: Genoui
Use: weapon
Region of origin /
Africa , Reguibat
Distribution: Morocco
Lists on the subject

The Genoui is a dagger from Morocco and neighboring areas.


In contrast to the Khoumija , the Genoui has a straight blade . Some variants have a small crossguard . The main users are the Reguibat , who live in the desert regions of southern Morocco, Algeria and northern Mauritania . The origin of this dagger is not clear. According to Alain Jacob, the name means Genoa - style and means the Italian city. Christopher Spring , however, is of the opinion that the name means West African Guinea . Daggers were exported to surrounding areas from Guinea-Bissau and neighboring regions of the West African coast. This in turn was influenced by the European daggers of the Renaissance . The Genoui was produced until the 20th century .

Individual evidence

  1. a b Alain Jacob: Les armes blanches du monde islamique: armes de poing, épées, sabres, poignards, couteaux , Verlag J. Grancher, 1985, p. 62
  2. a b Christopher Spring : African Arms and Armor. British Museum Press, London 1993, ISBN 0-7141-2508-3 . P. 26

Web links

Commons : Daggers  - collection of images, videos and audio files