Geomyza tripunctata

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Geomyza tripunctata
Geomyza tripunctata 03.JPG

Geomyza tripunctata

Subordination : Flies (Brachycera)
Partial order : Muscomorpha
Superfamily : Opomyzoidea
Family : Grass flies (Opomyzidae)
Genre : Geomyza
Type : Geomyza tripunctata
Scientific name
Geomyza tripunctata
Fallén , 1823
Dorsal view
Video (2min 5s)

Geomyza tripunctata is a fly from the family of opomyzidae (Opomyzidae). The type epithet ,derived from Latin, indicates the three characteristic spots on the wings.


The flies reach a body length of 3 to 4 millimeters. Two rows of strong bristles run across the bronze-colored mesonotum . The slim abdomen is brown-black. The rear edge of the abdominal segments is lightened. The compound eyes shimmer reddish. The frons , the head area between the eyes and the antennae are colored orange. The back of the head also has bristles. The legs are yellow-brown in color, and in particular the apical ends of the posterior femora and the posterior tibiae can be darker. The transparent wings have a dark vein . The front half of the wing tips is dark in color. In addition, there is a larger dark spot on about two-thirds length in the rear wing area and about one-third length in the central area of ​​the wings.


Geomyza tripunctata is native to the western Palearctic . The species is widespread in Europe. Their occurrence extends in the south to North Africa, in the east to the Middle East . The species is also represented in the Canaries, Madeira and the Azores. In North America, the species was probably introduced at the end of the 20th century. The fly species has established itself there in southeast Canada as well as in the northeast and northwest of the United States.

Way of life

The flight time usually lasts from April to September. The typical habitat of Geomyza tripunctata are forest edges and meadows. The flies are usually observed when they walk off the leaves of various hedge plants and spread their wings in different directions. The larvae of Geomyza tripunctata minieren in the stems of different grasses and can also act as grain pest occur. The development time to pupation is about four weeks.


The following synonyms can be found in the literature :

  • Geomyza bracata Rondani , 1874
  • Geomyza calceata Rondani , 1874
  • Geomyza pictipennis Rondani , 1874

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Species Geomyza tripunctata - Cereal Fly . Retrieved March 1, 2020.
  2. a b c Geomyza tripunctata in Fauna Europaea. Retrieved March 1, 2020

Web links

Commons : Geomyza tripunctata  - collection of images, videos and audio files