Georg (Wied)

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Georg von Wied († probably June 15, 1219 before Damiette ) was Count zu Wied from 1197 to 1219 .

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Georg was a son of Dietrich I von Wied . His mother's name is not known. He was married but had no offspring. The Archbishop of Trier and Elector Theodoric II von Wied (around 1170–1242) was one of his brothers.

In 1197 Georg took over the office of count from his father, who went to Heisterbach monastery as a monk . The first documentary evidence dates from February 3, 1201, in which he was confirmed as a feudal man of the Rhineland Count Palatine Heinrich .

In 1210 and 1211 he moved to Italy with Emperor Otto IV . In 1217 Georg went on the Fifth Crusade , in which he played a leading role alongside Count Wilhelm von Holland and last fought in the siege of the Egyptian port city of Damiette in 1219 . He probably died there on June 15, 1219.

His brother Lothar succeeded him in the count's office.


  • Wilhelm Tullius: The checkered history of the House of Wied . 1st edition, Kehrein, Neuwied 2002, ISBN 3-934125-02-6

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Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Hellmuth Gensicke : Landesgeschichte des Westerwaldes . 3. Edition. Historical Commission for Nassau, Wiesbaden 1958/1999, p. 252; ISBN 3-922244-80-7
  2. ^ A b c Wilhelm Tullius: The checkered history of the house of Wied , 1st edition, Neuwied, Verlag Kehrein, 2003, p. 18 ff; ISBN 3-934125-02-6
predecessor Office successor
Lockpick Count von Wied