Georg Andreas Gabler

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Georg Andreas Gabler (born July 30, 1786 in Altdorf near Nuremberg ; † September 13, 1853 in Teplitz ) was a philosopher .


Georg Andreas Gabler studied philosophy and law at the University of Altdorf and from 1804 to 1807 at the University of Jena , where he was Hegel's student. From 1811 he was a teacher at the grammar school in Ansbach and later in Bayreuth , where in 1826 under his rectorate Max Stirner passed the Abitur. In 1835 Gabler was appointed to the University of Berlin as Hegel's successor . As one of his most loyal disciples, he tried to bring the principles and standpoint of the Hegelian system closer to general understanding through his textbook Die Propädeutik der Philosophie (Erlangen 1827) and, in his Berlin inaugural program De verae philosophiae erga religionem Christianam pietate (Berlin 1836), the consensus of the Hegelians To prove philosophy with the Christian dogmas of religion.

He wrote a detailed criticism of Friedrich Adolf Trendelenburg's attacks: The Hegelian Philosophy: Contributions to its More Correct Assessment and Appreciation (Berlin 1843, No. 1).

Georg Andreas Gabler died on September 13, 1853 at the age of 67 in Teplitz. He was buried in the cemetery of the Dorotheenstädtische and Friedrichswerder communities on Chausseestrasse in Berlin. The grave has not been preserved.

Works (selection)

  • The Propaedeutics of Philosophy . Erlangen: Palm, 1827.
  • De verae philosophiae erga religionem Christianam pietate . Berlin 1836.
  • The Hegelian philosophy: contributions to their more correct assessment and appreciation . First booklet: The absolute and the solution of the basic question of all philosophy in Hegel as different from the formulation of other philosophers . Berlin: Duncker, 1843. (only one issue has appeared)


Individual evidence

  1. Max Stirner: Life and Work at, accessed on July 6, 2019
  2. Karl Müssel: Bayreuth in eight centuries. History of the city. Gondrom, Bayreuth 1993, ISBN 3-8112-0809-8 , p. 145.
  3. ^ Hans-Jürgen Mende : Lexicon of Berlin burial places . Pharus-Plan, Berlin 2018, ISBN 978-3-86514-206-1 , p. 97.

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