Georg Daniel von Habel

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Georg Daniel von Habel (born December 25, 1592 in Lützelwig , † May 29, 1652 in Marburg ) from the Hessian noble family of those von Habel was a knight of the Teutonic Order and from 1639 until his death in 1652 Landkomtor of the Teutonic Order Ball of Hesse in Marburg.



He was the younger son of Colonel Georg von Habel (* before 1561, † after 1609) and his wife Katharina von Wildungen ; his older brother was Johann (Hans) Philipp von Habel, with whose sons the male line died out.


He entered the Teutonic Order in Marburg in 1613. In January 1615, he has been Zinsmeister the Coming expressed Marburg, 1619-1622 as Vogt . In February 1628 he was appointed House Commander, d. H. Deputy of the Komtur , notarized in Marburg, and soon afterwards he became Komtur there. In this office he is attested from 1626 to 1640.

From 1639 until his death in 1652 he was Landkomtur of the Ballei Hessen of the Teutonic Order. At least until 1639 he was also Komtur zu Schiffenberg .

His epitaph is in the Elisabeth Church in Marburg.


  1. Occasionally also Habell
  2. Johann Justus Winkelmann: Thorough and detailed description of the principalities of Hesse and Hersfeld. Bremen, 1711, p. 426
  3. Historical and legally-based news of the origin, growth and estate of the Teutsche Haus and Land-Kommende Marburg. Kassel, 1751, p. 90
  4. Historical and legally-based news of the origin, growth and estate of the Teutsche Haus and Land-Kommende Marburg. Kassel, 1751, pp. 91-92
  5. Notarized message from the Teutsch-Ordens-Haus and Commende Schiffenberg. Gießen, 1752 and The Landtag in the Grand Duchy of Hesse in 1832 and 1833. First and second issues, Leske, Darmstadt, 1833, p. 17
  6. Johann Heinrich Feder: Historical-Diplomatic Lessons, and Thorough Deduction of the High Teutonic Knight Order .... Privileges. 1751, p. 254 (Beylagen Nro. 241)

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