Georg Deppe

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Georg Deppe (born March 25, 1900 ; † 1991 in Bonn - Bad Godesberg ) was a German chess player and official, auditor and tax advisor .

The doctor of business administration was chairman of the chess association Ostwestfalen , from 1954 to 1961 federal chairman of the chess union of North Rhine-Westphalia , from 1961 its honorary president and from 1956 to 1958 first vice-president of the German chess union . He also played correspondence chess . So he took part (before 1960) in an international match against the USSR and drew both games against Litwin from Leningrad.

After his death, Deppe was buried in Hiddesen near Detmold .


  • Froms Gambit . Hamburg, Chess Archive 1963
  • The Fischer-Nimzowitsch Defense . Heidelberg, Schachverlag Schmaus 1979

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Protocols of the 1954 Congress. In: Schachbund NRW. October 31, 1954, accessed January 24, 2019 .
  2. a b Congressional Record 1961. In: Chess Federation NRW. October 7, 1961. Retrieved January 24, 2019 .
  3. ^ Minutes of the 1956 conference of the German Chess Federation on 25/26. February 1956 in Munich - Grünwald. In: German Chess Federation. Retrieved January 24, 2019 .
  4. ^ Protocol of the DSB congress in Munich in the Regina Palast Hotel on March 9, 1958. In: Deutscher Schachbund. Retrieved January 24, 2019 .