Georg Eder (Reichshofrat)

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Georg Eder

Georg Eder (born February 2, 1523 near Freising , † May 19, 1587 in Vienna ) was a lawyer in the imperial service.


Georg Eder came to the University of Vienna in 1551 , where he was rector eleven times from 1557. He endeavored to raise the academic capacity of the university and to make it a center of Catholic reform. He served successively as an advisor to the emperors Ferdinand I , Maximilian II and Rudolf II. He was also appointed to the Reichshofrat , the highest imperial court.

The Catholic Eder dealt intensively with the mostly Protestant classes and citizens of the Austrian states. In his writings, the lawyer advocated a return to the old faith. In 1573 his polemic Evangelical Inquisition of true and false religion appeared. Against the generally unchristian clash, that almost nobody knows how or what to believe ... The work caused a sensation in all of Europe as a frontal attack on the theological foundations of Lutheranism. The dedication of the first book to the Archdukes Ferdinand and Karl of Austria, the position of the author as Reichshofrat, the sharpness of tone angered the Emperor Maximilian II, who was keen on a balance between the denominations. This Eder expressed his disapproval in sharp words and requested delivery of all copies to the government and forbade him from any future writing on religious matters. Only after Maximilian's death was Eder able to intervene again in the journalistic disputes between Catholics and Protestants. Eder did this in 1579 with the writing Das Guldene Flüß Christian Community and Society, which is a generally correct form of the first, ancient, prophetic and apostolic churches as ain Kurtze Historia, Von der Haailigenstatt Gottes .


  • Triumphus D. Ferdinando I. Ro. Imperatori invictiss. PP Augustiss. Archigymnasii Viennensis nomine pro foelicibus imperii auspicis renunciatus . Hofhalter, Viennae Austriae 1558 (online edition of the University Library of Regensburg)
  • Catalogus rectorum et illustrium virorum archigymnasii Viennensis. Vienna 1559
  • Evangelical Inquisition of True and False Religion ... (1573)
  • Confessio catholica universi Concilii Tridentini, de praecipuis Doctrinae Christianae Articulis, hoc potissimum seculo controversis. Cologne 1570
  • The golden river of Christian community and society ... (1579)
  • A Christian kind-hearted and necessary warning to the fourth estate of the praiseworthy Stätt and Märckt ainer country in Austria and whether the Enns that one should obey God in religion and beliefs more than people ... Ingolstadt 1580
  • Schrauf, Karl (ed.): The Reichshofrat Doctor Georg Eder. A collection of letters as a contribution to the history of the Counter Reformation in Lower Austria. Vienna 1904.
  • Catalogus rectorum & illustrium virorum Archigymnasii Viennensis . Viennae Austriae 1559, online edition of the Saxon State Library - Dresden State and University Library
