Georg Friedrich Meinhart

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Georg Friedrich Meinhart

Georg Friedrich Meinhart (also: G. Fr. Meinhard ; born April 4, 1651 in Ohrdruf ; † April 10, 1718 in Sondershausen ) was a German Protestant theologian.


The son of Burgvogts Johann Otto Meinhart attended the school in Arnstadt . He then moved to the University of Jena in 1673 , where he acquired the academic degree of a master's degree in philosophy in 1675 and gave philosophical lectures. In 1677 he accompanied Wilhelm Ernst Tentzel to the University of Wittenberg and was accepted there on April 5, 1680 as an adjunct to the philosophical faculty. However, in the same year, Count Christian Wilhelm zu Schwarzburg appointed him to inform his sons.

With the prospect of a theological position, he completed his licentiate in theology on March 14, 1683 , and was appointed superintendent and Schwarzburg consistorial councilor in Sondershausen that same year . Therefore he received his doctorate in theology on December 11, 1683 in Wittenberg . In his work as the chief clergyman in Sondershausen, he held sacred synods, wrote theological works and inaugurated the Trinity Church on November 25, 1691 .


Five children are known from his marriage to Sohia Magdalena (born July 19, 1667 in Sondershausen; † August 21, 1716 ibid), the daughter of the councilor Gustav Christian Happe and his wife Anna Dorothea (née Avemann).

  1. Magdalena Sophia (born September 11, 1684 in Sondershausen), married. on June 21, 1702 in Arnstadt with the bailiff of Arnstadt Christian Rudorff
  2. Christian Friedrich (born October 1, 1686 in Sondershausen)
  3. Augusta Magdalena (born January 10, 1689 in Sondershausen; † January 9, 1692 ibid),
  4. Johanna Augusta Dorothea (born April 21, 1692 in Sondershausen; † May 29, 1718 ibid) married. on September 30, 1716 in Sondershausen with the doctor Johann Friedrich Conradi
  5. Sophia Christiana (born April 30, 1699 in Sondershausen)

Selection of works

  1. Meditationes in Zachariae cap. IX. v. 9
  2. Disp. De Propheta Mosi pari. Jena 1675
  3. Disp. De Nasiraeis
  4. Disp. De Stichommetria verum. Wittenberg 1678
  5. Disp. De Corban ad Matth. 15, 5. and Marc 7, 11. Wittenberg 1678
  6. Disp. De Pauli Nasiraeatu. Wittenberg 1680
  7. Disp. De Selenolatria a Jeremiah V II. 18 and XLIV. 17 improbata. Wittenberg 1680
  8. Disp. De dorologia sacra. 1688
  9. Disp. Meditationes ad Zach. 9, 9.
  10. Diss.Selectiora Theologiae practicae tremata exhibens. 1686
  11. Fabrica templi mystici or the spiritual temple building ex Eph. 2, 19 s. delineata et in festo Sondershusano, quo templum SS. Trinitati dedicantum, auspiciis - Comitis - Chr. Wilhelmi - de Schwarzburg - solenni ritu d. Nov. 25, 1694 inauguratur, in dissertatione synod. –In praedicto templo publice proposita
  12. The fountain of salvation and consolation opened by Jesus Joh. 3, 16 ..., commemorative sermon on the princess Maria Magdalena geb. Countess Palatine by the Rhine. 1690 ( )
  13. Inauguration sermon of the Holy Trinity Church in Sondershausen. 1691


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Fritz Juntke: Album Academiae Vitebergensis - Younger Series Part 2; Halle (Saale), 1952, p. 222