Georg Heinrich Christian Lippold

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Georg Heinrich Christian Lippold (* July 23, 1767 in Dessau ; † December 15, 1841 in Horstdorf ) was a pastor in Horstdorf and Riesigk , writer and naturalist.

The tombstone of the pastor Georg Heinrich Christian Lippold in the cemetery in Horstdorf


Born in Dessau in 1767 , he studied theology in Halle and then returned to his hometown to become a teacher at the Philanthropin .

After the school closed, Lippold applied for the pastor's position in Horstdorf and Riesigk and took it over in 1796. He completed the church union there in 1813, before Dessau (1827) or Zerbst (1828) . He was a pastor in the parishes for 46 years (1796–1841) and enjoyed a great reputation. In his work as a pastor, Lippold baptized 950 children, married 300 couples and paid their last respects to 900 deceased.

His second passion was natural history. Through self-study of books and nature in the Elbe, he acquired extensive theoretical tools and specialist knowledge. In his parish garden in Horstdorf, rare native plants grew as well as those that he had sent from abroad. The Natural Research Society in Halle honored Lippold for his services in 1832 by making him a full member.


His works included our planet or the earth in mathematical and physical terms (1815), which was primarily intended for younger readers, and Man in the raw state of nature (1818), a representation of the history of human development. Lippold was a co-author of the New Lexicon of Nature and Art , published in 1801 by his father-in-law, the Dessau school inspector Karl Philipp Funke . His most important works in the field of religious history include his anti-Catholic pamphlet atrocity scenes from the history of the Roman papacy (1830) and the history of the change of religion in Anhalt (1826).


  • Ines Pinkert, Dorit Schulze: 300 years of Horstdorf 1708–2008 - The history of the Horstdorf community. Published by the municipality of Horstdorf.
  • Bernd Gerhard Ulbrich: Scholars in Anhalt. Anhaltische Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Dessau.

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