Georg Robert Neher

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Georg Robert Neher (born May 28, 1838 in Schaffhausen ; † September 19, 1925 there ) was a Swiss businessman and entrepreneur .


Georg Robert Neher was trained as a businessman in Basel , then worked at a bank in Paris and then returned to Schaffhausen. There he took over the management of the Schweizerische Waggons-Fabrik from his uncle Johann Conrad Neher , which, in addition to railway equipment, also manufactured handguns. At times he also managed the Gonzen iron mine .

As a representative of JG Neher Sons & Cie. Georg Robert Neher was instrumental in the settlement of the first European aluminum factory in Neuhausen and the establishment of Aluminum Industrie AG. Neuhausen (AIAG) involved.

In 1910 he moved to the board of directors of what would later become SIG and was also a member of the boards of several other companies.

Georg Robert Neher was a colonel in the Swiss Army .


Johann Georg Neher was the progenitor of the Neher family, which produced numerous entrepreneurial personalities . Georg Robert Neher was his grandson and son of Bernhard Neher . He was married to Henriette Ernestine Jakobeit. Both sons were the future aluminum industrialist Robert Victor Neher .


  • Leo Weisz : Studies on the commercial and industrial history of Switzerland. Second volume. Verlag Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Zurich 1940.
  • Rudolf Vierhaus (Ed.): German Biographical Encyclopedia (DBE). 2nd edition. Vol. 7 Menghin-Pötel. KG Saur Munich 2007.

Individual evidence

  1. Weisz 1940: 161
  2. Vierhaus 2007: 381
  3. Article on the Neher family in the HSL
  4. ↑ Portrait of the city ​​archive of Schaffhausen
  5. Colonel Neher: Photo c. 1870